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Signs target the motorway hoggers


MB Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2003
S211 E320Cdi Avantgarde Estate & Toyota Land Cruiser
PA News
11 October 2004

A new attempt to educate some of Britain's most irritating drivers gets underway today.

Two new safety messages will be unveiled on busy motorways urging motorists not to lurk needlessly in the middle lane.

To be shown on 30 signs on the M1, M6, M18 and M62 for one week starting from 10am today, the messages read "Keep Left Unless Overtaking" and "Don't Hog the Middle Lane".

Motorway signs in Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and South Yorkshire will be used in the campaign.

The Highways Agency is testing driver reaction to the messages as part of its campaign to reduce accidents on England's motorways.

Roads Minister David Jamieson said today: "We are committed to tackling congestion and making our roads safer. Poor lane discipline causes frustration to drivers and can disrupt the flow of traffic.

"We have all seen people on the motorway sitting in the wrong lane and experienced the inconvenience and congestion it causes. Just sticking to the simple rule of staying left unless overtaking could bring real benefits to all road users."

Ginny Clarke, the agency's chief highways engineer, said: "We have chosen these two messages to remind drivers of the safe driving advice in the Highway Code.

"We want drivers to think about how they are using motorway lanes. Are they taking care when overtaking, signalling in good time and keeping a safe distance between their vehicle and others?

"Or are they spending too long in the middle or outside lanes, and causing frustration to other drivers when they could safely return to an inside lane?"

The results of the week-long trial will be studied by the Highways Agency.
I have wondered for many years, that the fact no one is given motorway driving instruction, is the main reason for the lack of driving skills on our motorways. It is all very well being told what you should and should not do on our motorways, but actually carrying out manouvres at high speed may be a tad daunting to some drivers, so they sit in their middle lane which gives them, I am sure, a comfort zone, sat in the middle of a big wide road :confused: Maybe the driving lessons should be extended to include motorway driving after the test has been passed.
it will be easy for all those owners of left pulling cars to adhear to this latest message, they dont have much choice!!
The trouble is the middle lane drivers are oblivious to all. A sign won't help.
To be shown on 30 signs on the M1, M6, M18 and M62 for one week starting from 10am today, the messages read "Keep Left Unless Overtaking" and "Don't Hog the Middle Lane".

About time too . . . :)

What I dont understand is why for one week. Will they stop and monitor if people then go back to what they've always done or what? :mad:

Its as though they are 'market testing' to sell us something . . . :crazy:
Geoff2 said:
Maybe the driving lessons should be extended to include motorway driving after the test has been passed.
Anyone with "pass plus" will have done the motorway lesson. I had one a couple of days after I passed my test and it was very useful. I encouraged most of my friends to take a lesson on the motorway and they all said it helped a lot. IMHO there should be a motorway test, if you don't pass it then you don't get a licence.

The problem with motorways is that infrequent users don't understand them. I reckon most commuters who use the motorway use it properly, because if they don't they have a sales-rep in a mondeo tailgating them within seconds with flashing lights and waving hand-signals etc, so they learn pretty quickly. I used to work with a lady who refused to go on the motorway because "they're dangerous". I attempted to explain that something like 8% of road-deaths happen on the motorway and it's technically safer to drive there than anywhere else, but she had none of it! One of my Mother's colleagues hadn't been on a motorway in 8 years and was dreading a trip to somewhere that required using a motorway. I fear that these are the people that have no lane discipline and use the lanes for the wrong reasons, either through lack of education and experience or simply fear.

You should see some of the motorway users during the day when commuters are at work, it's frightening! Driving in general is a nightmare during the day thanks to people who ONLY drive in low-traffic conditions and don't understand how lanes etc work!
Shude said:
Anyone with "pass plus" will have done the motorway lesson. I had one a couple of days after I passed my test and it was very useful. I encouraged most of my friends to take a lesson on the motorway and they all said it helped a lot. IMHO there should be a motorway test, if you don't pass it then you don't get a licence.

Some months passed between me passing my test and having access to a car. So, I didn't see it at the time, but I was Mr. Sensible and my 1st outing after my test was back with my instructor. It combined a refresher for my confidence with some motorway tuition.

I can only agree there should a be a secondary motorway test - perhaps that has to be taken within 3 months of passing your normal test.

However, poor motorway lane discpline is just one of the many bad habits we all lapse into.

Maybe the police could force motorway tuition to those caught hogging lanes or tailgating?

A non endorsement, non court solution, that could be enforced at the drivers own cost.
I have to say I strongly suppport the idea of a compulsory after test lesson on the motorway and without it you don't get your licence as those that have no idea how to use the m'ways is incredible - and it's not just the oldies :o

It'll be interesting to see what effect this has on the M6 - I'm on it on Thursday and it's an horrendous stretch up to Preston where it's four lanes - people haven't the foggiest idea :crazy: :eek: I can;t hekp but wonder if the signs will panic people over and potentially cause more hazzardous situations as they fail to check if it's safe to move over :o I guess we'll know soon enough :D
I've got a good idea for a message:-

Sil.... Shiny Grey cars use lane 1

There, that will keep the road clear for the rest of us. :bannana: :bannana:
It is not just the motorway though most dual carraiges have there fair share with more traffic in the right hand lane than the left just because people will not pull over. Even worse still is those that sit in the right hand lane with no traffic in the left at all and will not pull over. I am sure some congestion would be eased on many roads if it's capacity was used to the full extent.

I had the classic tale this morning Pug 206 with this bloke driving it at 60mph in the right lane on a 70mph dual cariageway. No traffic on the left for half a mile!! I moved up behind him slightly then backed off to indicate I wanted to get past. nothing so I then gave a short flash of my lights to which I was returned with the 1 finger salute and course no move over!! I had not tailgated him all done anything other than be behind him at the correct distance.

I know the type of car I drive does not help but to me most of the time people are completely unaware of what is going on around them... tunnel vision. About time some of these numpty's did their advanced driving course....
I heard yesterday from someone who truly believes that as they are doing 70mph it doesn't matter where they sit on the motorway - apparently no one should be going faster than them. They sit in the middle lane to keep out of the way of lorries....................

Part of the problem is that many people drive over 70mph on the motorway - and I am one of them. And those doing 70mph get in the way........

My solution? raise the speed limit to at least 80mph. That'll keep the middle laners hustling along nicely, and if they don't like 80mph then they can pull to the left, safe in the knowledge that those that pass by are legally allowed to drive faster than them.

70mph is what my mothers Morris Oxford did in 1971 - admittedly with less traffic, but none of today's safety features.

Why can't the inside lane be for slow moving traffic, the middle for fast(i.e.70mph or thereabouts) and the outside lane for overtaking?Then anyone wiishing to overtake someone travelling at the legal limit could do so(illegaly!!) :confused:
jezyg said:
It is not just the motorway though most dual carraiges have there fair share with more traffic in the right hand lane than the left just because people will not pull over. Even worse still is those that sit in the right hand lane with no traffic in the left at all and will not pull over. I am sure some congestion would be eased on many roads if it's capacity was used to the full extent.

I had the classic tale this morning Pug 206 with this bloke driving it at 60mph in the right lane on a 70mph dual cariageway. No traffic on the left for half a mile!! I moved up behind him slightly then backed off to indicate I wanted to get past. nothing so I then gave a short flash of my lights to which I was returned with the 1 finger salute and course no move over!! I had not tailgated him all done anything other than be behind him at the correct distance.

I know the type of car I drive does not help but to me most of the time people are completely unaware of what is going on around them... tunnel vision. About time some of these numpty's did their advanced driving course....

thats the sort of driving that doesn't make me feel bad when I go past them on the inside with a full handed gesture - has even more impact when I'm on the bike as sometimes I sit alongside them, stare at them and point at their front tyre - they soon get paranoid enough to pull over :devil:
...also people who tailgate when there's no room to pull over. Either gradually slow down...or...touch the brakes a little to make them light up and they soon get the message. The brake light routine works a treat.
...touch the brakes a little to make them light up and they soon get the message. The brake light routine works a treat.

It does ... but be careful not to press *too* hard. I've only done this once, and will never "brake test" anyone again!

I was travelling down the M6. I was in the outside lane overtaking fairly spaced out traffic, cruising at about 80mph. A big green van (MB I think) came up really close behind me. I was still overtaking other cars, but he kept on dropping back slightly and then moving forward. Definitely tailgating. I was getting concerned about this and put my foot down a bit to get away from him (yes, I know, the option was to move over and let him past, but we are always being told to stand up to bullies ;) ).

Back he came, swerving from the outside to the inside of the lane. Well, I thought I would flash my brake lights at him to "warn" him to back off.

Modern Mercedes, as I'm sure we all know, have "Brake Assist":

So how does it work? The system uses adaptive learning to respond to individual driver's braking habits. Every time you step on the brake, a travel sensor that rests on the internal vacuum diaphragm of the brake booster sends information to the Brake Assist System computer. The computer learns how fast and how hard you normally step on the brakes. It even processes information regarding brake wear and vehicle speed.

When an emergency braking situation occurs, a driver usually reacts by stepping on the brake pedal quickly, but not hard enough. The computer monitors pedal speed through the travel sensor and if the speed indicates an emergency situation is present, the computer will open an electric solenoid on the brake booster. The solenoid lets atmospheric pressure into the rear of the brake booster, causing the booster diaphragm to move forward and fully applying the brakes. Release the brake pedal, and the computer instantly releases the brakes.

You know what's coming right? As I went from accelerator pedal to brake pedal, I obviously pressed too hard, too quickly, and "Christine" thought it was full emergency mode. Cue sharp braking, girlfriend, who obviously wasn't expecting it, jerking forward giving her whiplash, VanMan slamming on and swerving and me going "WTF?"

VanMan starts flashing his lights and shaking his fists (quite understandably) at me. Shortly after, there was a break in the traffic and I could pull in and let him past. G/F told me that he was shaking his coffee beans at me ;) This was inbetween complaining about the pain in her neck ...

So, lesson learned - no more brake tests from me :)
From memory this "one week campaign" became permanently enforced in Australia in 2001. Anyone caught driving in anything other than the leftmost lane (keep left unless overtaking) without a reason is fairm game for the coppers to issue a nasty fine. The TV campaign included some of Australia's most famous racing drivers to get the point across.
The worst culprits here are the Channel Island drivers. they leave the ferry port straight onto a M/way and sit in the middle lane at 40 mph trying to decide where they are going and what lane should they be in. If they are going London/Brighton they get into the right hand lane 2 miles before the turn off at 40 mph and if taking the West country turn they sit in the middle at 40 mph. This combined with the French and Spanish lorry drivers who park on the hadr shoulder whilst waiting for their mates, makes driving on the M275 very interesting at 6 am.
To perhaps throw a spanner in the works, why are people so preoccupied with "tailgaters" cause if you are concentrating on them, you are not concentrating on your driving, and when travelling at motorway speeds causes accidents, a la rubber knecking at accidents. A brief glance behind is all that is required, watch where you are going not where you have been and leave him/her behind to concentrate on their task. IMO that is
...yes, you must be careful when touching the brakes. It only needs very light touch. The trick is not to transfer between accelerator and brake too quickly as this is what causes the BAS to wake up.

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