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SLK Space Saver Problem


Active Member
Oct 28, 2008
The car is the 203 (C55 AMG) I have identified what appears to be the SLK Space Master Vredestein 145/70/17 92P in the boot, I thought it would be an idea to check the fitment on the car and inflate it, well it fits over the rear SLK55 rear brakes but the onboard Merc mini compressor used to inflate just wouldn’t exceed 4 psi, I tried my Halfords compressor but it has the same problem, neither man enough.

I took the wheel to the local tyre place and asked them to inflate, they managed to inflate it but the tyre wouldn’t seat properly on the rim, he took it up to 100psi and the bead just wouldn’t budge. He was reluctant to do anything else and suggested I take a trip to Merc dealer and ask them why the tyre will not inflate with the onboard compressor and why and unused space saver bead will not seat on the rim.
My reason for trying the space saver is due to travelling between UK and France and would rather have the reassurance the space saver can be of help.
Anyone had the same or similar issue and would like to hear your suggestions?
Those space savers are hopeless. Suggest you carry tyre sealant aswell to get you out of trouble. On the SLK even if you do manage to inflate the space saver the original wheel will not fit in the boot. Our 17in wheels won't. Not sure about the 16s.

Popped into my local Merc dealer this morning, explained that the space saver tyre was not seated properly on the rim, both parts and tyre guys confirmed and said to contact Merc UK and see what they can do to help. Arrived at the office and called Merc UK, first impression after explaining they became quite defensive and asked what do you want us to do?, I again reiterated the wheel has never been used and only in an emergency would you have discovered this problem and it's been this way since leaving the factory, Merc UK used many excuses as to why there isn't anything they can do to help and this is the job of the dealer, long story short they don't want to help.

Now I'm in some what of a quandary of what to do for the best, I've used tyre weld before but this product has a short shelf life, I would prefer to have a working tyre if possible, any suggestions welcome?


Popped into my local Merc dealer this morning, explained that the space saver tyre was not seated properly on the rim, both parts and tyre guys confirmed and said to contact Merc UK and see what they can do to help. Arrived at the office and called Merc UK, first impression after explaining they became quite defensive and asked what do you want us to do?, I again reiterated the wheel has never been used and only in an emergency would you have discovered this problem and it's been this way since leaving the factory, Merc UK used many excuses as to why there isn't anything they can do to help and this is the job of the dealer, long story short they don't want to help.

Now I'm in some what of a quandary of what to do for the best, I've used tyre weld before but this product has a short shelf life, I would prefer to have a working tyre if possible, any suggestions welcome?


Would a normal space saver fit in the car...though you still have the problem of where to put a flat if your boot is full.
I think there is enough room to carry a flat, wheels are 18's but the boot of the C Class seems large enough, I could drop the rear seats if required.
Would need to find the correct size space saver with the right offset etc, seems like a good idea to carry an alternative as opposed to what's currently onboard.
Merc UK used many excuses as to why there isn't anything they can do to help and this is the job of the dealer, long story short they don't want to help.

I think there has been a breakdown in understanding between MB engineering and MB sales. I find it near impossible to believe that a space saver wheel can not be inflated by the equipment provided (unless it says so in the manual).

I would push the dealer more on this issue. There must be a solution somewhere. Either a new space saver or a new compressor.
Brand new wheel and tyre not seating/inflating?! Try another tyre place...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using MBClub UK
I tried another tyre place yesterday afternoon. they used a lot of soap and other products, said 85 psi is usually enough to seat the bead on these Merc space savers (common problem) but they stopped at 120 psi as it wasn't going to move.
Approximately 1/3 of the tyre's diameter is seated at least 1" from the rims edge but it's sealed it's self to this part of the wheel, you can't see where the tyre bead sits until you inflate the tyre due to it's collapsable design, Merc UK seem to think it should have been picked up during an MOT, reasons of logic to wriggle out of a problem are great.
I've decided to leave the car in the UK and take the Eurostar as I don't want to take a chance of being stuck on the auto route without a spare, done this once before and it's a painful experience.

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