When I first joined the forum I enjoyed looking through posts, various threads, perusing the joy folks get from their Mercs and even checking what kinds of problems people are having in potential preparation for mine having them and obviously looking for anything I could possibly help with.
Unfortunately I've become aware of the fact that I seem to be subconsciously thinking that I may be jinxing the future well-being of my Merc and am becoming somewhat apprehensive of going through the various problem threads.... and I'm not a person given to superstitious type behaviours, but it's definitely there....... Just wondering - anyone else get this?
Unfortunately I've become aware of the fact that I seem to be subconsciously thinking that I may be jinxing the future well-being of my Merc and am becoming somewhat apprehensive of going through the various problem threads.... and I'm not a person given to superstitious type behaviours, but it's definitely there....... Just wondering - anyone else get this?