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Speeding tickets for my car. But it wasn't me.

Unfortunately, I'd say that wilsodg has it about right. All the talk of a single offence is misleading: there are (rare) circumstances where it may be treated as such, but if the cameras are on different roads, or the same camera was passed more than once, it isn't a single offence.

By all means talk to a specialist motoring lawyer (not a run of the mill high street solicitor) who may be able to construct a defence, or bargain a better outcome, but unless someone is willing to cooperate (highly unlikely) the best outcome will probably be to be offered a Speed Awareness Course for the first ticket (thus no points) and FPN's attracting 3 points each for the remaining 3 incidents.
Thanks again everyone.

Was unable to leave the office today, so called the issuing ticket office. The first must-do instruction mirrors advice given on here. Send them all back with John's name, address etc. Feels horrid, but it has to be done.

The lady said that then, the initial option is, as per Phil's above, for him to accept all four, but do an awareness course for the first one to keep his licence. The other option is, of course, to opt for a hearing, bear the costs and take what comes.

I'm inclined, at the moment, to suggest we try the hearing. I'm worried that, at his age, 9 points on his licence will quash any hopes he had about getting another car of his own. Whilst I take on board the fact that it was his own fault, he was trying to do me a favour and he's not a menace on the road (no convictions until now).

The lady I spoke to saw straight away what had happened, sympathised, but was of course powerless to do much.

One final question, and thank you again for the replies... Does anyone know what I can expect to pay in Court costs or does it depend on the individual case? Is he or I allowed speak without representation? I'm hoping a reasonable person (Judge, recorder, magistrate or whoever presides) won't need to be told the facts by a solicitor.

Thanks guys.


"Don't own what isn't yours"

It seems to me that you are trying to take responsibility for something which isn't yours to be responsible for. I see you are trying to protect your friend but it does seem rather misplaced. Just a thought.

"Don't own what isn't yours"

It seems to me that you are trying to take responsibility for something which isn't yours to be responsible for. I see you are trying to protect your friend but it does seem rather misplaced. Just a thought.
Fair comment, and I would be equally pragmatic if I didn't know him so well. However, he's a real gent, a friend, and was trying to be well-meaning. So I would like to do what I can.
TDE1 said:
So I would like to do what I can.
I quite understand your wishing to help, and I would suggest paying for a consultation with a specialist motoring lawyer for your friend as he will then get the best advice as to how to proceed.
I quite understand your wishing to help, and I would suggest paying for a consultation with a specialist motoring lawyer for your friend as he will then get the best advice as to how to proceed.
Good point. (I checked my Legal Expenses Policy today. It covers the costs of defence for motoring convictions, but not fixed penalty ones, unsurprisingly).

Cheers Phil
Before doing anything the first port of call with a motoring violation has to be pepipoo.

Excellent free advise from people whose daily jobs involve dealing with these situations.
Before doing anything the first port of call with a motoring violation has to be pepipoo.

Excellent free advise from people whose daily jobs involve dealing with these situations.

glad someone agrees!

Direct access barrister specialising in motoring law.

I practise in diverse areas of law including employment, public and civil law, however I specialise in Road Traffic Offences and Appeals.

I am a defence barrister – I specialise in defending people. I have been practising law since 2006 and I enjoy it!

What I can do

I can advise on the law, make representations on your behalf, negotiate for you, draft documents on your behalf and I can represent you at court. I can advise you on the next step and will work with you to bring about the outcome you are hoping for.
As unfortunate and as sad the story is, im afraid I really cannot see why there is any argument on this one.

As much as I hate speed cameras myself, I really cannot see any legal ground for a formal appeal.
I wouldnt waste money on solicitors, simply fill in the forms, ask to go to court, state the case and hope they let him off with just one offence so just the course.
As unfortunate and as sad the story is, im afraid I really cannot see why there is any argument on this one.

As much as I hate speed cameras myself, I really cannot see any legal ground for a formal appeal.
I wouldnt waste money on solicitors, simply fill in the forms, ask to go to court, state the case and hope they let him off with just one offence so just the course.

I'm absolutely sure there will be grounds to have all these tickets dismissed (calibration, road markings, location, position, angle, height, even the colour of the paint on the camera is legislated), just depends how far you want to push it.

For 4 speeding tickets I'd push it all the way. FightBack Forums -> Speeding and other Criminal Offences
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As unfortunate and as sad the story is, im afraid I really cannot see why there is any argument on this one.

As much as I hate speed cameras myself, I really cannot see any legal ground for a formal appeal.
I wouldnt waste money on solicitors, simply fill in the forms, ask to go to court, state the case and hope they let him off with just one offence so just the course.
I don't know what the difference is between a formal appeal and asking for a Court hearing.

Popped to see John on my way home. He's still mortified by what's happened. Had got his Licence ready, thinking I would need it. It's about my age, tatty as you like, but no points. Poor fella is now convinced he has besmirched my name!

I've been manically busy today, but will follow up on the recommended sites in the morning. Thanks for the links (I don't know how to multiple quote in my reply).

Neil - you could well be bob on, but at the moment I'm hoping that a sympathetic hearing might be our most cost-effective aim, as per Jay.

The tickets are ready to be returned with John's details on, so that should buy us a little time to decide on a way forward.

John did joke that he'd need to rob a bank to cover the costs (which, of course, he won't need to) - I told him he wouldn't need a getaway driver, given his own propensity for hooling about. At least he laughed for the first time since I broke the news.

Again, thanks for the posts everyone. Will update with developments.

(DM, hope you're mending nicely. I'll give John a 2CV to look after next time...)

I'll give John a 2CV to look after next time...

This one was motoring rather nicely on Sunday...took some passing.

Fair do's, laden with extra tyres and a spare drivers seat too! ;)
Well.. It has come to a conclusion.

Firstly - Thanks to those who PM'd with advice. You know who you are, no need to name names. Very, very much appreciated.

We decided not to appeal. John, being the stand-up bloke he is, wanted to take the entire hit, including the ban. He remains so ashamed. The old fella preferred falling on the sword rather than the percieved shame of a Court appearance.

He's taking the Driver Awareness Course to retain his privilege to drive, and we are going 50/50 on the costs he's incurred (£260 between us. 3 x £60 plus £80 for the course). I would have rather seen him 100% right but it took all my persuasion to get him to agree to halving it.

He's not a bad driver, just needs to revisit the Highway Code.

Thanks again.

And the relationship is maintained - many fall out over less - good for you :thumb:.

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