At the risk of having myself being branded as a sell-out to the VW range, after 4 solid years of dedication to MB, a turn coat, if you like!! But long before MB and myself, began our affair, I was VW through and through...I served my time in a VW Main Dealership, and thereafter, various other makes as well, and for a good nr of years, but while I still dabble a bit, I haven't worked as a mechanic for a good Nr of years now,. And the speed of change, is mindboggling, especially where computerisation is concerned. Miss a year or two, and you will have your work cut out for you, catching up. So 2 years ago, I traded in my 2014 MB Eclass w212 for a 2019 VW Passat, highline, 2.0 tdi Manual. Great car, but I was spoiled by my experience of the Automatic transmission in the MB, and could not at the time source a Passat with automatic transmission, so now I find myself back in Mercedes Benz, and very happy about it too!. Now for the differences,, The KESSY system in the VW is much better than the MB one. You just have to have the keys in your pocket, and every thing works , unlike MB where you have to physically press a button on the key fob etc, Ditto operating all the functions available,, Navigation being complicated too. No doubt, over time I will unravel the mysteries of car, but for now, its a pretty sharp learning curve. And converting it from MPH to KPH is the current bugbear..... so feel free to talk about your experiences with MB electronics, or other matters too!
Thanks, Justin