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Speedo change from kilometers to miles W201


Active Member
Oct 2, 2024
Yeovil, Somerset
Next Wednesday I'm going to look at a Japanese import. The speedometer looks to me to be the same as a UK car, ie miles on the outside ring if numbers, kms in the inner ring, but the odometer readings are if course in Kms. Is it "simply" a case of swapping a UK instrument cluster for the Japanese one, or is a different gear needed somewhere?
Next Wednesday I'm going to look at a Japanese import. The speedometer looks to me to be the same as a UK car, ie miles on the outside ring if numbers, kms in the inner ring, but the odometer readings are if course in Kms. Is it "simply" a case of swapping a UK instrument cluster for the Japanese one, or is a different gear needed somewhere?
I'm on the opposite problem, English import to Ireland, so all is in miles. needing to be converted to KPH> I'm thinking of stickers on the clock marking out the most important speed's.....30, 40, 50, and 60. I'm not too keen on switching out the clocks, given the computerised system involved. Wonder if its possible to get a sticker of the KLM clock face?
I'm on the opposite problem, English import to Ireland, so all is in miles. needing to be converted to KPH> I'm thinking of stickers on the clock marking out the most important speed's.....30, 40, 50, and 60. I'm not too keen on switching out the clocks, given the computerised system involved. Wonder if its possible to get a sticker of the KLM clock face?
So your Speedo doesn't show Kms? Strange, I thought all UK cars of this vintage had dual displays for when going abroad.
Sorry for the confusion, my MB is a 2018 E class w213 Automatic, its an English import to Ireland, and as far as I can see, it seems to be locked into MPH. I have only got the car a few weeks ago (2) so we are still getting to know each other ( its my 3rd E class, 2010, 2014 and now 2018) so I'm not exactly unfamiliar with them.
Sorry for the confusion, my MB is a 2018 E class w213 Automatic, its an English import to Ireland, and as far as I can see, it seems to be locked into MPH. I have only got the car a few weeks ago (2) so we are still getting to know each other ( its my 3rd E class, 2010, 2014 and now 2018) so I'm not exactly unfamiliar with them.
Ah right.. .very new fangled by my ancient standards. Our 2017 SEAT lets you change units like kms, miles, litres, gallons, centigrade and fahrenheit in Settings via the touchscreen. I'd be disappointed if a newer Mercedes doesn't have something similar
Ah right.. .very new fangled by my ancient standards. Our 2017 SEAT lets you change units like kms, miles, litres, gallons, centigrade and fahrenheit in Settings via the touchscreen. I'd be disappointed if a newer Mercedes doesn't have something similar
At the risk of having myself being branded as a sell-out to the VW range, after 4 solid years of dedication to MB, a turn coat, if you like!! But long before MB and myself, began our affair, I was VW through and through...I served my time in a VW Main Dealership, and thereafter, various other makes as well, and for a good nr of years, but while I still dabble a bit, I haven't worked as a mechanic for a good Nr of years now,. And the speed of change, is mindboggling, especially where computerisation is concerned. Miss a year or two, and you will have your work cut out for you, catching up. So 2 years ago, I traded in my 2014 MB Eclass w212 for a 2019 VW Passat, highline, 2.0 tdi Manual. Great car, but I was spoiled by my experience of the Automatic transmission in the MB, and could not at the time source a Passat with automatic transmission, so now I find myself back in Mercedes Benz, and very happy about it too!. Now for the differences,, The KESSY system in the VW is much better than the MB one. You just have to have the keys in your pocket, and every thing works , unlike MB where you have to physically press a button on the key fob etc, Ditto operating all the functions available,, Navigation being complicated too. No doubt, over time I will unravel the mysteries of car, but for now, its a pretty sharp learning curve. And converting it from MPH to KPH is the current bugbear..... so feel free to talk about your experiences with MB electronics, or other matters too!
Thanks, Justin
At the risk of having myself being branded as a sell-out to the VW range, after 4 solid years of dedication to MB, a turn coat, if you like!! But long before MB and myself, began our affair, I was VW through and through...I served my time in a VW Main Dealership, and thereafter, various other makes as well, and for a good nr of years, but while I still dabble a bit, I haven't worked as a mechanic for a good Nr of years now,. And the speed of change, is mindboggling, especially where computerisation is concerned. Miss a year or two, and you will have your work cut out for you, catching up. So 2 years ago, I traded in my 2014 MB Eclass w212 for a 2019 VW Passat, highline, 2.0 tdi Manual. Great car, but I was spoiled by my experience of the Automatic transmission in the MB, and could not at the time source a Passat with automatic transmission, so now I find myself back in Mercedes Benz, and very happy about it too!. Now for the differences,, The KESSY system in the VW is much better than the MB one. You just have to have the keys in your pocket, and every thing works , unlike MB where you have to physically press a button on the key fob etc, Ditto operating all the functions available,, Navigation being complicated too. No doubt, over time I will unravel the mysteries of car, but for now, its a pretty sharp learning curve. And converting it from MPH to KPH is the current bugbear..... so feel free to talk about your experiences with MB electronics, or other matters too!
Thanks, Justin
Very frustrating. Must be a fairly common problem in Ireland, why not phone the Mercedes dealer?
Next Wednesday I'm going to look at a Japanese import. The speedometer looks to me to be the same as a UK car, ie miles on the outside ring if numbers, kms in the inner ring, but the odometer readings are if course in Kms. Is it "simply" a case of swapping a UK instrument cluster for the Japanese one, or is a different gear needed somewhere?
Never had to remove my 190's instrument cluster but seems likely the w201 speedo is entirely analogue in nature. Different length speedo cables depending on auto or manual and lhd or rhd seem likely. Have you tried contacting a main dealer to see if there is another part between the cable and the transmission. Some VIN checker sites provide detailed diagrams which may be of use. 7 Zap unfortunately now seems to require a subscription to work.

PS the triangular plastic switch panels adjacent to the instrument cluster are fragile so be careful if you do attemp to remove your instrument cluster.
Never had to remove my 190's instrument cluster but seems likely the w201 speedo is entirely analogue in nature. Different length speedo cables depending on auto or manual and lhd or rhd seem likely. Have you tried contacting a main dealer to see if there is another part between the cable and the transmission. Some VIN checker sites provide detailed diagrams which may be of use. 7 Zap unfortunately now seems to require a subscription to work.

PS the triangular plastic switch panels adjacent to the instrument cluster are fragile so be careful if you do attemp to remove your instrument cluster.
Thanks Chip. The Speedo part I assume is identical, reading both miles and kms. it's the odometer that reads one or the other. If I do buy the car (likely but awful communication from the seller) then I will be careful should I decide to remove the cluster, thanks
Very frustrating. Must be a fairly common problem in Ireland, why not phone the Mercedes dealer?
I've found a solution to the MPH/KPH problem....but quite by accident! While scrolling ( fooling) around in the dash section, I discovered that there's a 3rd clock (small Square one) sitting between the 2 larger clocks, and amongst other things, it will give you speed readouts in either MPH or KPH. So problem solved! Roll on the next one in my voyage of discovery in my new w213 MB!!
Never had to remove my 190's instrument cluster but seems likely the w201 speedo is entirely analogue in nature. Different length speedo cables depending on auto or manual and lhd or rhd seem likely. Have you tried contacting a main dealer to see if there is another part between the cable and the transmission. Some VIN checker sites provide detailed diagrams which may be of use. 7 Zap unfortunately now seems to require a subscription to work.

PS the triangular plastic switch panels adjacent to the instrument cluster are fragile so be careful if you do attemp to remove your instrument cluster.
On a 190 it is just a mechanical speedo cable , nothing else . it is just a matter of checking the small numbers at the bottom of the dial to get the correct ratio for the car to red the correct speed , and get a speedo from any UK car to get an odometer with miles , ideally get one showing the lowest mileage you can , especially as that car has only done 50,000 miles . I see that's an early car with the economy gauge /

There may be an issue that the needles all start out orange , but fade to yellow over time , and swapping indiividual instruments you end up with needles faded to different colours . Fear not , you can buy the correct paint on eBay to paint all your needles back to as new orange .

Good that the car in the picture has the OTG , not so common o 190s , only my 2.6 had one , often the LCD display delaminates and bleeds , but there is a guy in Holland who makes new ones , I just got one for my W124 .

That lovely blue dashboard , I'm guessing partners either a white car or a Diamond Blue one ?
On a 190 it is just a mechanical speedo cable , nothing else . it is just a matter of checking the small numbers at the bottom of the dial to get the correct ratio for the car to red the correct speed , and get a speedo from any UK car to get an odometer with miles , ideally get one showing the lowest mileage you can , especially as that car has only done 50,000 miles . I see that's an early car with the economy gauge /

There may be an issue that the needles all start out orange , but fade to yellow over time , and swapping indiividual instruments you end up with needles faded to different colours . Fear not , you can buy the correct paint on eBay to paint all your needles back to as new orange .

Good that the car in the picture has the OTG , not so common o 190s , only my 2.6 had one , often the LCD display delaminates and bleeds , but there is a guy in Holland who makes new ones , I just got one for my W124 .

That lovely blue dashboard , I'm guessing partners either a white car or a Diamond Blue one ?
Many thanks Pontoneer, useful.

Yes, the car is white with a blue interior. Unfortunately the behaviour of the AutoTrader Private seller is highly suspicious so I may not feel able to take the lift I have been offered from Somerset to Newmarket (5+ hours). He takes ages to respond and is then evasive. He says he is 'too busy' to answer all my questions.
As a result he has declined to give me his surname, or confirm whether there is a V5 in his name/address (although a vehicle check says it is not reported as stolen) or to say when it is booked in for the MOT promised a week ago .... I have pointed out that I won't have valid insurance without it for the long drive home. He wouldn't take a photo of something I wanted to see nor look in the Japanese papers to check its aircon type.
I spoke to Mark Taylor of MTSV Mercedes. He confirms it will have the Behr aircon and even that he saw it a few years ago but didn't like the thick coat of underseal.
My lift offer is for Wednesday due to local friends attending a funeral there. The MOT ran out Sept 6th but seller says he had been 'too busy' to renew it. He has not asked for a deposit but something stinks of a scam or criminal activity. Mark Taylor says it has been up for sale for ages. Maybe because the seller is utterly atrocious in his communication, and lazy .... or maybe because something is wrong. Annoying as it seems to meet all of my requirements, but there will be others if the MOT is not on it by Tuesday. 'Too busy' indeed!
Pity about the seller .

I had somehow got the impression this was a freshly imported car and you were buying from the importer , but reading back you never said that so it was just my impression .

It's a shame that the car suits your needs but the seller is less than helpful , especially given the comments from the specialist you spoke to .

Given the car will have been previously MOTd with the odometer reading Km , it shouldn't be an imperative to change it immediately , and as long as you book your car for a test near your home you can legally drive it to that test centre , including any necessary stops along the way ; also your insurance will be valid as you need insurance first before you can take a car for an MOT test , so insurance cannot be invalidated for that reason ( just tell them the car won't have a valid certificate when you buy it but you will be taking it from the place of purchase to a pre-arranged test at your usual MOT centre ( or if you prefer to the specialist who has already seen the car and get him to give it a quick once-over before it is tested , even if HE has to take it to a place that does tests ) . You could also write into the bill of sale that if you buy the car without an MOT and it fails on something serious , you reserve the right to return it for a full refund .

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