After my indie replaced my turning indicator stalk and switch due to malfunction of the original, the SRS lighted up all the time when the engine is turned on and does not go off like it should after a few seconds. What has he done wrong to create this new fault? Is it an error code that always comes on after the steering wheel and airbag is removed and one has to do something special to erase this memory? If so what can be done? In the event that he has caused a stress and breakage in the length of flat-taped wire that sits in a round spool within the centre of the steering head, can he replace it to cure this situation? Your advice will be much appreciated, thanks.
Most likely your indie removed the steering wheel and airbag with battery still connected. This will cause the SRS sensor to reigister a fault and once activated the only way to turn out the fault tell tale light is to hook up a 'Star Diagnose' PC to your car's engine management system (ECU) and reset the SRS fault. I'm afraid that even though your steering wheel and air bag are back and more than likely functioning properly, the SRS lamp will remain lit until the fault is manually cleared by the diagnostic computer.
Your local dealer will happily do this for you but will probably want to charge anything up to 1 hours labour for the task even though it's a 5 minute job. Expect anywhere between £40 to £90 quid I reckon. Try and get your indie to pay or see if they can get access to a Star Diagnose' PC.
*EDIT* Heh trust Sym to put more eloquently in two lines what took me 2 paragraphs
P.S. Is it ignition on or battery connection that causes the light? Perhaps it is an activated ignition, I just tend to err on the side of caution and disconnect the battery.
Thanks fellas for your suggestions. Tomorrow he is going to replace whatever he says he has damaged while removing or replacing the steering wheel. Thought this is a routine and he should have been more careful. If it still lights up, I will tell him to connect the Star Daignose comp which he has and is always connected the moment he opens the hood and see if he can clear this fault message from the comp itself. Otherwise he will have to call the MB dealer nearby to get some clues of what to do about it. Thanks again. :bannana:
Thanks guys, this has been fixed. The indie actually accidentally broke a clock spring he says and there is a part number also and this was replaced in the steering block. The indicator switch which was malfunctioning was replaced with a used one which was nearly all alloy based in the switch area while my original was all plastic??? Why the difference I don't know? They do the same work and look almost the same except for a few small differences. Can anyone of you tell me why this difference? Refitting the alloy one was easy, but there was a small difference which caused some delay to make it fit true. Maybe its from the E class or older 180/190 models. Mine is a 1994 C180. Anyway alls well and A$300 plus for all this fuss.