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Stop expanding the ULEZ to all the London boroughs in 2023

It’s a no from me.
Agree with pushing back.
But even 750,000 signatures won’t make a blind bit of difference.

The last 2 yrs should show anyone that they will do exactly what they want. They simply don’t give a rats **** about the people. Never have, never will.
Agree with pushing back.
But even 750,000 signatures won’t make a blind bit of difference.

The last 2 yrs should show anyone that they will do exactly what they want. They simply don’t give a rats **** about the people. Never have, never will.
Kahn is all about £££££
Londoners are stuck with Sadiq Khan until 2024 as well.:crazy:
As Rash says, no amount of protest will change the course he is on.
Does anyone have the link to ULEZ change Euro6 category form that was to do with TFL not believing E350 Bluetec was Euro6?
Does anyone have the link to ULEZ change Euro6 category form that was to do with TFL not believing E350 Bluetec was Euro6?

You need a letter from Mrecedes Benz which they will gladly produce or the yellow slip that comes with the car when it is new that states the category. If you go onto the TFL website there is a link and you attach copies of your proof and then they give it the correct category.
Guess it is all down to mass protests / people power to stop this, but that seems to rarely happen when it comes to motoring issues.

When Boris was mayor he tried to extend the congestion charge across Chelsea and further West and people protested bigtime and he was forced to stop.

However with the cost of living issue that won't go away soon, and the fact that when this ULEZ thing happens, many people that are not so well off will be forced to dispose of their cars for next to nothing, and many of them are dependant on their cars, it could cause a lot of discontent.

There are many people such as care workers at the lower end of the pay scale that depend on their cars to do their job, and this will be an additional blow to industries such as theirs which are already struggling due to staff shortage.
Guess it is all down to mass protests / people power to stop this, but that seems to rarely happen when it comes to motoring issues.

When Boris was mayor he tried to extend the congestion charge across Chelsea and further West and people protested bigtime and he was forced to stop.

However with the cost of living issue that won't go away soon, and the fact that when this ULEZ thing happens, many people that are not so well off will be forced to dispose of their cars for next to nothing, and many of them are dependant on their cars, it could cause a lot of discontent.

There are many people such as care workers at the lower end of the pay scale that depend on their cars to do their job, and this will be an additional blow to industries such as theirs which are already struggling due to staff shortage.
We all know how red London is but the next round of ULEZ will be interesting because as you say so many of those workers (voters) on the lower end of the pay scale live just inside the M25 meaning their going to be affected whereas the original ULEZ didn’t affect them that much.
We all know how red London is but the next round of ULEZ will be interesting because as you say so many of those workers (voters) on the lower end of the pay scale live just inside the M25 meaning their going to be affected whereas the original ULEZ didn’t affect them that much.
Unfortunately I don't think it's only about diesel cars and everyone should follow how the matter develops. Yes, it now mostly affects diesel cars that are not Euro6 but how long before those cars are replaced with newer model that are compliant? If this expansion goes ahead, I expect them to put cameras everywhere as it happended in 2020. Why investing so much more money to fight a small number of cars (they say on the radio that most vehicles are compliant?) that are going to be replaced in the next few years anyway? I expect when that happens (i.e. not much cash coming in) next on the list will be euro4 petrol and so on and on...If cash is what they need, they'll find a way to get it.

You can buy your way out of it, pay £12.50/day, and they are happy for you to pollute. Nonsense!
You can buy your way out of it, pay £12.50/day, and they are happy for you to pollute. Nonsense!
Exactly this. Imagine the conversation in Kahn’s office,

“Yuk, those diesels are disgusting, dirty and killing everybody but if the proles give us £12.50 we’ll look the other way”
I live on the outskirts of the "Not a London borough in the slightest" of Dartford. So I'm now going to have to pay £12.50 to take the kids to the nearest McDonald's despite living in the country , go figure 🤷‍♂️

So TFL do absolutely fuc£ all in my borough but will still take my money !

Now Mr khan has a foothold wonder how long before he starts pointing his beady eyes towards the Dartford crossing money :rolleyes:
I live on the outskirts of the Croydon borough, yet my address is Surrey but will fall under this ULEZ expansion. It's pretty farcical as there are literally no air quality issues in the area, it's suburban in places and green in others.

As said, it's ok if you pay your way out of it so then you can drive anything you want and b*llocks to the air quality. As we know, it's sheer money making to the detriment of the average person. The original ULEZ covers a relatively small area, as also said on here this covers some very normal areas, not necessarily wealthy places. People were coerced into diesel cars, many owners rightly or wrongly are still using them and many not in a position to shell out money on a newer car or even to change cars. Yet they'll have no choice.

My conspiracist head thinks that the combination of this charge, plus insane fuel prices is a fantastic way to change the entire culture toward ICE vehicles. Shame this doesn't feel like a manageable transition to EVs for many.
If we all drove EVs The greedy Mayor would have no money .. so another scheme would be introduced to tax them as well... whatever car you drive does not matter motorists are an easy target.... He is also forgetting the poor shift workers... Nurses , Policemen, Cleaners, who have to travel at all times of the day and night and there isn't always a convenient bus or train to take them to work... so they have no choice but to drive... I agree the emission goalposts will move... bigger net ... gets more fish.

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