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Staff member
Jun 1, 2002
W168, W169 & S202
I just exchanged Contracts and purchased my first place!!

This is the reason why I have been telling everyone I might put my car in storage, Places in London are worth more than a hens tooth.

The changeover date is 18 March 2003 when I get my keyes and move out of my parents

No money for mods or anything, Im broke! :(
Hey congratulations!

Housewarming GTG :)

I was in so much debt when I bought my first place I had to sell my car and use public transport for nearly a year :o before I could afford a replacement.

But the freedom of having your own place :D - until you get your hat pinned on by some ladyfriend :o
Freedom hows that when i'll be in debt for an eternity?!!! :(
Congrats Mate!!!!

Nothing like having your own place! (apart from all the bills :confused: )
Well done. You had to do it sooner or later.

Do you need any furniture?

We have a telly surplus to requirements;)
Nice one Koolvin ;) I'm in the same situation myself at the mo, just waitin for the Solicitors, they seem to be draggin there feet/ tryin to justify there money :devil:

I'll get there in the end :rolleyes:

Well Done:p
Congrats M8, I'm sure your soon get settled and find a way to keep your beloved car on the road.:bannana: :bannana:
Congratulations K. !! :D

A great feeling... owning your first home. :)

Enjoy it mate :rock:

You never know... you might get a taste for house modding :crazy:

As Fuzzer mentioned, you gonna post some pics once you've moved in?

Homeowner by the 18th of march, so you will be at least £20k richer by the end of this year if current price hikes are anything to go by !! - theoretically anyway :)

My house was valued at a mere £74,000 three years ago - I had it valued again about month or so ago by the same company - £140k !!!!!

It always seems hard at the start, but it gets easier very quickly - I still remember my mum refusing to buy a 5 bed house in Cambridge for £4800 - because she couldnt live with a "millstone that big round her neck !" - last year she spent more than that on a Holiday !!!

Smile :) because as much as cars are nice - there is no better/safer place to put your money than bricks and mortar !!

Congratulations mate.

At least you managed to buy in London.

I ended up buying in Liverpool!!!

R u still guna be based around work area?

@ Mark If I sell tomorrow I have made 20K, and that means by the end of the year I have made 40K :D

@ Tan its around the corner ;)

anyone wanna donate me a wife? I feel all grown up now!
Wifes, thats an auntie gees job.

u work at a uni, or is that against the rules;)

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