the burmeister optioned system is pants for electronic music, but when you throw rock or other mainly instrumental music, it shows its class. always needs tweaking for more bass IMO.
the 204 vs 205 comparison will always divide opinion. There is no substitute for displacement and that lump in front of the 204 is special. the FL 204s also look fabulous. They also sound fabulous. They've also usually gone through the worst of their depreciation curve and are a better buy. The throttle response is linear and when you take them to red line , they do entertain.
The 205s look mediocre from the side and rear (excluding the coupe ). They're too subtle. some don't like the exhaust compared to the 204 either. They'll depreciate a lot harder as they are newer than the 204s. The throttle is hard to control in comfort mode which can really take away from the experience , except if you're driving very calmly, then it shines. In every other respect, the 205 is a much wilder animal than a 204 and a lot more entertaining at every day driving speeds. You'll always be at the limit of grip and you can do a lot more exciting stuff with esp on. the transmission is far better , as is the handling. the tech is more up to date and though the cabin feels more cramped, is more luxurious. also much easier to hoon around and the safety tech is more advanced. On a budget, the 204 makes more sense , otherwise the 205 is a step up but you're dropping extra cash for the privilege. The M177 engine is a marvellous engine. You won't find any turbo lag. it's already 4 litres and the turbos spool up sequentially and gradually to give you a ridiculous 700nm of torque. The sound only impresses in sport plus or race when it pops and bangs. If you want to slide around at low speeds, the 205 does it best
Agree with every word of this, especially the throttle control in C. In my 204 the C setting got quite a lot of use on a boring commute but in the 205 it never gets a look in unless I'm looking for blue sails or scratching stop/start itches. It's too unpredictable in C and the whole car doesn't feel like an AMG. The only setting which makes sense is "I" for Individual: comfort suspension, switchable exhaust ON, sport + on. Then it feels like a MUCH wilder, better, more hilarious AMG than the 204.