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TA is driving me insane. Any way to turn off?


Active Member
Sep 24, 2013
W205 C200 Sport petrol (67)
Does anyone know if there is a way to turn Traffic announcements permanently off please? They are driving me absolutely insane.

When I am listening to Radio i do to options and then untick the TA option. I do exactly the same when listening to Media. However as soon as I have turned the car off and back on again the TA icon shows again. It is driving me bonkers. I did not want the damn option in the first place.
Check your handbook, but normally pressing and holding the mute button toggles TA on/off.
It's in the menu, just find it & turn it off, only takes a minute.
I have tried everything. It turns off but then once I turn car off it resets and it's reactivated when I turn car back on.
I have tried everything. It turns off but then once I turn car off it resets and it's reactivated when I turn car back on.
Something wrong then, if you turn it off in the menu, you should never hear it again unless you go back into the menu and turn it on again.
I have the same issue but only seems to happen when tuned to BBC.

If tuned to any bbc station I get a billion TA’s on the hour.
It's not just the BBC traffic reports that are annoying. Some/most of the commercial stations "accidentally" turn on the TA flag for some (better paying?) adverts, which consequently blare out at ten times the volume of the rest of their content.
I have tried everything. It turns off but then once I turn car off it resets and it's reactivated when I turn car back on.
I think you need to turn it off both via radio and navigation.
just a thought but on my ancient cls55 when TA is off it says TA on on the screen. in other words it leaves it at the next command ie turn TA on. If it says TA off on my screen it is on as the screen is displaying the next action not the current state. This is an old system of course and probably completely different to a 205 so sorry for not really helping.
You can get this if something on the fibre-optic bus is resetting as it starts.

I too have this problem on 17 plate C200, started off with TA turning itself on after couple of weeks, now it is every time I restart engine.
Car is still under warranty but leaving at the dealers is a pain?
I'm getting the same thing and it drives me insane too. I don't even want traffic intruding (twice as loud) on my listening pleasure.

I switch it off in the audio settings, next time I drive it comes on again, usually with some loud muppet on commercial radio playing camila cabello or mabel over my 'proper' music :(

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