As I tried saying earlier, this area is rapidly changing and thinking about it in the old way is not now how to make it work. As you say, fast chargers are currently very expensive but most don’t need them and prices will come down. Given your negativity towards most technology I’m not sure this will go anywhere but if you want an idea of the future then look at the new UPS depot in London. They have made the fleet electric but couldn’t make it pay by just taking more electricity from the network. The solution was to use renewables and storage on site. The same tech works at home. Is proven and working. Tesla is about batteries ultimately. We are quickly approaching the stage where a homeowner can effectively live off grid through using renewables and home storage. Again I don’t see why you persist using your bad marine experience to denigrate EVs and charging. Your argument would’ve scuppered the original petrol car as how could people have that technology thrown at them without refuelling and support technology being sorted!
Why is living in the real world and commenting on the reality considered negative these days? I didn't say I had a bad experience at all, that's your assumption. I pointed out that the reality of charging systems in real world operation and it is not the unicorn filled utopia that you espouse. And its a brash assumption to make that I'm negative to technology, given that I am paid to research, develop and maintain power plants as a Chief Engineer. I don't disagree with what you are saying and the concept for UPS depot in Camden is very noble, but exactly the things I'm saying are a problem are acknowledged in this article regarding it:
UPS to bolster London charging infrastructure with old electric vehicle batteries
That being the cost of SUBSIDY FREE infrastructure is too high for business. I don't believe EV technology should be subsidised because its not suitable for a broad application like its being peddled.
The old way of thinking, the fundamentals of supply and demand apply more now than before, and industry also sees it that way. Siemens no longer offer marine battery propulsion, we have already specified 8 PEM electrolysers for a new yacht project as they produce instantaneous voltage on demand which when coupled directly with a drive inverter require no storage batteries, thus charger and battery problems are eliminated, and produce a comparable stable output to a diesel prime mover. Flammable gas storage is even a none issue, given the amount of development in LNG transportation. Again, AIP is already a well developed and proven solution with none of the drawbacks and infrastructure challenges of EV's. (Got to crowbar the fuel cell into the debate!)
PEM Fuel Cell - Marine - Siemens
Granted you don't have a petrol station at your door currently, but where is the infrastructure for the storage batteries to mitigate 300kw of cyclic load PER CHARGER going to be placed should EV's become main stream? You are aware of the size of a cell bank to store that amount of charge? Who pays for on street charging points and what happens if there are not enough? I asked that idiot Monbiot the same question on twitter and he blocked me.... and its question that needs answering. You said its already happening now, and I counter that it isn't, because the cost is too high.
UPS are using little more than charge management software currently and there is nothing new or fancy in that. Feeding back into the grid from batteries in vehicles is a great idea, I counter that the infrastructure for this is too expensive, that amount of heavy cycling will shorten the battery life considerably, causing more waste and emissions in replacement. And the charging system will still be a net energy consumer.
I have solar in my current home, 12 panels hooked up to a Victron MPPT 5KVA converter and 6 x 200a/hr NMC Batteries (4kw continuous rated) full autonomy, considerably cheaper and generally a more superior product to a Powerwall, and with better warranty, one of the inverters overheated and burnt out during the summer last year and another again this year (its in the garage) but its been relatively trouble free. Even with my (miniscule) 5p/kwh feed in tariff the payback time is still 19+ years at 2017 prices when it was installed. I made that choice hoping to benefit from feed in tariffs, but how many people in the UK have the space for it and the best part of £18k up front? Its all well and good me being self sufficient, but the supermarket down the road doesn't have it so what then? If they do install it the cost of all the goods has to increase to absorb that cost. Renewables are not cheap, and there is certainly no 'free' energy.
It comes back to the point that in the UK we don't generate enough energy, green or not, to sustain an EV push and its ridiculous throwing all the eggs into that subsidised basket. And the general public doesn't want to have to pay for it, because largely they can't afford it.