A heads up to everyone, and a quick request for technical advice! Thanks to a local scumbag, I have recently fallen victim to the theft of the electrochrome door mirror glass from the drivers side of my 213 E class which I understand is comfortably over £300 to replace. I also know of others who have suffered the same with similar vehicles, so first of all a heads up to everyone (particularly around SE London) that there appears to be some criminal activity targeting these at the moment, so I'd definitely suggest making sure any CCTV you may have covers at least this part of your car!
Does anybody know, would the passenger side door mirror glass for a left hand drive version of the E class (i.e. the one which goes on the right hand side, does not auto dim and is considerably cheaper) would have the same mount as the electrochrome one? Personally, I can live without the auto dimming glass and am not keen to shell out £300+ each time these scumbags decide they want a payday at my expense. Just wondered if anybody knew before I order one (special order, non refundable part), whether it will fit? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Happy New Year all!
Does anybody know, would the passenger side door mirror glass for a left hand drive version of the E class (i.e. the one which goes on the right hand side, does not auto dim and is considerably cheaper) would have the same mount as the electrochrome one? Personally, I can live without the auto dimming glass and am not keen to shell out £300+ each time these scumbags decide they want a payday at my expense. Just wondered if anybody knew before I order one (special order, non refundable part), whether it will fit? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Happy New Year all!