I had a Merc a while ago and then just bought one which was built a couple of years after my last ownership.... see if you can guess which is which ?
( I apologise if I got the pic posting thing wrong - please discipline me and delete if I gone done wrong)
loved the old one - solid as and totally reliable - such style that my older son who was 17 at the time wanted it for his 18th birthday present, despite being the rather underpowered 200T. - THAT's how stylish it was
Bought the new one because I want to enjoy a V8 before they shove us all into self-driving Johnny Cabs..... and I'd fancied one since seeing Annette Benning in one in American Beauty. Obviously the W164 is faaaar classier looking than the W163, so I win
...aaaaaaand I can justify driving a gas guzzling 5L V8 'cos it's 15 years old and the majority of the eco damage is generated in construction. If you're buying a new electric car every 3 years I take the moral high ground
Got another one of the old one (only two pics I've got - from the days pre-phone cameras!!) - see if you can spot the incidental humour.... not Merc related, but made me smile when I spotted it (cost me £650 that.... *sigh*)