Thanks to Franey here, today I got this beauty
, well 2 of them. Super speedy delivery, top class for top items, Franey Rock 
I am also told today that to fit them is not as strait forward as I thought as apparently the bolts/ washers that hold the arm are in a specific place and can move or be moved, depending where you want to place the arm
, now this is worrying me
I am told I have to mark as many points as I can on the bolt and or the washer to be sure it'll be back the same, if not its a geometrie job £££
Cannot find a proper DIY place here, can anyone enlight me?
Thank you.

I am also told today that to fit them is not as strait forward as I thought as apparently the bolts/ washers that hold the arm are in a specific place and can move or be moved, depending where you want to place the arm

I am told I have to mark as many points as I can on the bolt and or the washer to be sure it'll be back the same, if not its a geometrie job £££
Cannot find a proper DIY place here, can anyone enlight me?
Thank you.
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