I read somewhere that it costs, assuming proportionally, about 45,000 per serious accident with all the services, nhs etc.
I feel you're rather falling for the recent hype. It is not possible to control
everything into some marvellous utopia. The supposed political intention to do so is being used to turn most activities of life into complex onerous arenas of bullsh*t. This inevitably results in annoyingly reduced functionality at increased cost.
Look at the road system in comparison to 15 years ago. When you're next thumping over speed bumps or waiting in queues at traffic lights every 300 yards, ask yourself: is it
better? Do you feel
safer now?
I care about deaths and injuries: I don't give a damn what it costs "the NHS". It is
our money... it always was and it always will be. If people need treatment they need treatment, and we pay well enough for it. I have no time for being whipped with figures telling me how much of my money they might have to spend on me as I go about essential travel.
If someone doesn't make the call and pull some of these dangerous drivers off the road, then natural selection IS what your leaving it to.
If a young boy racer type, with lightening fast reflexes can cruise at forty through a town center or past a school with thump thump music so loud his eye balls rattle and not feel any remorse about their attitude, along with a young mum battling three kids, slapping on make up in the mirror and either one hits an old boy of 90 struggling to figure out what lane to steer round a roundabout who's to blame AND PAY ! ?
Make the call?! Congratulations... you have amply displayed your absorption of all the New Labour era PR re. the roads, complete with sweeping generalizations of the remorseless boy racer, absent-minded mum and struggling old guy. They're
everywhere aren't they? Of course the dangerous word featured. You missed "clamping down" and "something must be done".
It's a road system, not a war zone. A sense of balance works best. The original theme of the thread was about older drivers. There might be a problem as there become many more older drivers, including you & I. A realistic approach to achievable and workable improvements is needed, not the usual OTT scaremongering.