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Tracker observation


Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Sep 15, 2004
S211 Sprinter 213CDI, & the new T-class
I don't like talking about specifics when it comes to vehicle security so will generalise.

I know someone that has TRACKER fitted to their vehicle which at the time of fitting was a mandatory insurance requirement. At the time of purchase there were three options. Retrieve, Monitor, and Horizon. The last two have a built in movement detector which is interfaced to the vehicle's immobiliser so the unit actually senses the theft of the car and automatically alerts TRACKER. It is one of the last two variants that is fitted to this specific car.

Yesterday the owner of the vehicle received an automated message from TRACKER informing them their car might have been stolen. At the time of this alert the car was being driven by the owners partner and was midway through a journey?? There was no rational explanation for the alarm activating, better a false alarm rather than no alarm:o :o

This event triggered a memory recall about a rather strange event which has caused grave concern. Approximately one month ago, this car was taken by a flat-bed truck from Torquay to Exeter and TRACKER did NOT report this incident? The owner spoke to TRACKER and they stated they would send out an engineer to check the system, but the owner would have to pay! A discussion took place where the owner stated they did not simply want the system examined to see if it worked. Quite clearly it did NOT work on the day the vehicle was removed on the back of a lorry! The operator then stated they would have a better qualified person speak to the owner.

At 6pm last night a technician contacted the owner and asked if they had read the Information Pack as they stated TRACKER only detects 'unlawful' movements!!! :rolleyes: :confused: It was explained to this person that the only way to steal a modern Mercedes-Benz WITHOUT using the ignition key is by lifting it onto another vehicle\trailer. The technician then stated they would get a better qualified person to explain TRACKER to the owner of this vehicle:rolleyes:

That is the current state of play, but suffice it to say the owner of this vehicle is less than impressed. I am sure there are owners who have had excellent service from this company and it is possible that this incident is down to a misunderstanding of what TRACKER can, and cannot do?

:eek: :eek:
Certainly is worrying... it'll be interesting to see what the better qualified engineer states.....

I wonder how the tracker detects movement... I can quickly think of 3 ways...

Speed Pulse from the Car Electronics
Or Movement Sensor using a Gyro type device...

If the Tracker system uses anything but the Speed Pulse, then the tracker should have detected the movement on the back of a Flat Bed Recovery truck. It certainly does give cause for alarm if the Tracker System use the Speed Pulse of a car and must be a design flaw within the system...
Wasn't the Tracker one of the problems with Clarkson's GT40?

He kept getting calls while he was driving the thing, and when it had broken down and was waiting to be collected.....
:mad: i hate tracker with a passion. Im sure it will be better once the people who work for them learn to read and write.
:mad: i hate tracker with a passion. Im sure it will be better once the people who work for them learn to read and write.
The alleged expert still has not made contact, but the previous two quite clearly did not have a clue.

Clarkson was certainly not impressed with the continual errors, but at least it activated. I cannot understand how a vehicle can be taken away on the back of a lorry, and then negotiate several very steep hills en-route to Exeter without setting off the TRACKER.

Should the Mercedes alarm system activate whilst being bounced about?

Approximately one month ago, this car was taken by a flat-bed truck from Torquay to Exeter and TRACKER did NOT report this incident?

Apart from a system malfunction, the obvious explanation is that the tow-away protection had been deactivated prior to putting the vehicle on the flat bed truck.

There is a button that you can press to deactivate the tow away sensor. The owner's manual specifically explains you need to use this if the vehicle is transported (I actually use this when I go to the continent to prevent the alarm going off on the ferry).

You press the disengage button, a led will come on and the detection will then be disengaged. It makes sense for the tracker to be disabled then as well, you don't want the thing to activate on the ferry after all.

Even if the owner did not press the button, it is likely that the flat bed driver will have been aware of this function and will have used it before putting the car on the truck. If you don't it will activate the tow away alarm.
I have that tracker system fitted. The tracker would only activate if the vehicle was moved without being first unlocked.

If the vehicle is unlocked using the key (i.e. door unlocked and the alarm de-activated) and then moved on a trailer, the tracker system will not activate. This is a highly common scenario - breakdowns, dealers moving stock around, etc.

What surprises me is the reported movement by this person's partner. Perhaps they unlocked the car but triggered the alarm in the process??

I have that tracker system fitted. The tracker would only activate if the vehicle was moved without being first unlocked.

If the vehicle is unlocked using the key (i.e. door unlocked and the alarm de-activated) and then moved on a trailer, the tracker system will not activate. This is a highly common scenario - breakdowns, dealers moving stock around, etc.

What surprises me is the reported movement by this person's partner. Perhaps they unlocked the car but triggered the alarm in the process??

This person has now had a very interesting conversation with the TRACKER top technical whizz who has have been extremely helpful. all that I will say on a public forum is that there are numerous ways that TRACKER operates. In this circumstance the connection needs to be reviewed.

The reassuring thing is the most common vehicles that have problems are not Mercedes :) Porsche and the Impreza have that priviledge.

Regarding the activation whilst being driven, that is an enexplainable glitch. The system has been tested and it reports no defects. It will however need to be connected to a different whats-it. :eek: :rolleyes: :) (technical term)


I have had experiences of Tracker which are not printable. They do date back a bit (for I would never have another)....PM me if you want more.

I have had experiences of Tracker which are not printable.

Whilst I haven't had cause to use the services of Tracker as my wife's SLK hasn't been stolen I am having all sorts of problems trying to communicate with the amusingly named Customer Service department as it seems to be anything but.

We bought the car with a tracker fitted about 6 months ago and I paid to have the account transferred into my name. The insurers require a copy of the registration certificate before they will cover me for theft and it's proving impossible to get one.

I have telephoned a couple of times but always end up leaving a message on a voicemail which is never returned. I have also emailed customerservices three times without receiving even an acknowledgement from them.

I hope that the tracker itself works better than their administration as I am not impressed at all so far.
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My experience of tracker has been to have had a faulty unit that didnt activate when my car was taken to the dealer on a low loader. I reported it to Customer service & they sent an engineer round to my house & he ended up replacing the unit. I've had it on several cars and apart from that - the automated system always calls me when the car is on a low loader going for a service etc.

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