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Tyre valves


Active Member
Mar 10, 2015
Mercedes C200
My C class Merc needs new rear tyres. The tyre valves are the original metal
covered ones with a chrome cap. When new tyres are fitted are the new valves
the same? i.e. chrome. Are these special valves or are the metal coverings simply used again?

I want to use TyresOnThe drive, are they OK?

thanks in advance
When i had my previous ML's tyres changed the garage replaced the valves with standard black ones, they even threw away the metal valve caps.

When i bought my existing ML the MB dealer i bought it from had to replace all the tyres after i had taken delivery, they also replaced the original valves with black ones and threw away the metal caps.

My advice is check with the garage and maybe supply your own valves and caps.
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About the only time you keep your valves is if they are TPMS then most tyre fitters leave them alone
Tyre valves should all have the same outer threaded connection. If you want to keep the orginal caps just remove them on arrival at your visit to the tyre outlet. Most tyre outlets will replace the valves with the tyres but not all do. One thing to watch is the length of the valve stem. They vary in length depending on the outer dish of the wheel. In theory they should present just inside the outer wheel rim. Use one too long that protrudes outside that protective outer rim might mean the valve being torn out leading to rapid tyre deflation.

ps chrome caps are potentially more attractive to light fingers!
Thanks for the info, what are TPMS?


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