It's my favourite on the singular fact that each of the doors opens in a different way - completely bonkers and utterly pointless!
In particular, the rear door nearest the camera looks to open by rotating by approx 120 degrees towards the rear of the car. The forces imposed on the hinge and door pillar must be staggering!
It reminds me of a car wreck I witnessed when at 6th form many years ago. One lad had just passed his test and went home to bring his Dad's brand new Granada Ghia X estate to show off to us. Not a cheap car in the day. He failed to negotiate the bend into the school gates and wrapped it fairly and squarely round one of the two huge cast iron gate posts at the entrance. The car was still sat up on the post, twisted length-ways by 10 to 15 degrees, and all of the doors and tailgate had 'popped' due to the twist on the body. They couldn't shut any of them.
I understand his Dad was not best pleased...