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Unlucky merc V8 Vs RS4


Active Member
Sep 30, 2003
Audi A8 W12
Well my mate went upto Preston Audi on Saturday morning in his nice shiney red RS4, souped upto 425BHP, yarda yarda yarda....

On his way there he encountered what he thinks was a Merecedes V8 supercar, whilst travelling at 120mph+ down a dual carriage way with the V8 caning him, he decided enough was enough and slowed down to a more moderate 100mph.

Unfortunately the merc driver didn't seem to have the same idea and lost the car at the end of the carriageway and ended up over the central reservation a little confused and dazed with £100,000 + 04 plate car much the worse for wear.

Now if I drove a car of that value I would be a little more careful.

Well, you can only hope the driver was 1. OK and 2. filthy rich so that £100K is of no concern to write off.

Worst case is someone splashed their pools winnings on it and now it's all gone!
craigyb said:
04 plate car much the worse for wear.

If driver survived and car written off then he/she wil prob get another brand new spankig replacement for £250 (excess...)...


was you mate heading back to manchester on the M61 Sat PM with a grey Porche about 3 inches from his rear bumper doing around 130- 140 ish . ?? then a green Bike joined the fun who had been playing cat & mouse with me for a while at 120ish plus. (me & wifey in the Aston)

I had to chuckle as a big blue van appeared in the fast lane and it was everyone on the anchors big style - luckily they all slowed without incident apart from scaring me missus half to death as they hurtled past us.
craigyb said:
On his way there he encountered what he thinks was a Merecedes V8 supercar, whilst travelling at 120mph+ down a dual carriage way with the V8 caning him, he decided enough was enough and slowed down to a more moderate 100mph.

120mph and not even a motorway?!
frog1520 said:
120mph and not even a motorway?!

Speed limit is the same, so if it was clear......a "supercar" get's to and from those speeds in a blink.

Next you will be telling me you haven't gone that quick on an A road ;)
steve_bcs said:

was you mate heading back to manchester on the M61 Sat PM with a grey Porche about 3 inches from his rear bumper doing around 130- 140 ish . ?? then a green Bike joined the fun who had been playing cat & mouse with me for a while at 120ish plus. (me & wifey in the Aston)

I had to chuckle as a big blue van appeared in the fast lane and it was everyone on the anchors big style - luckily they all slowed without incident apart from scaring me missus half to death as they hurtled past us.


Probably wasn't him as he lives in southport so he would have gone down the A59 or M6 I think.

must be a coincidence then - i didnt think red RS4's were that common, I shan't buy one now then ;)

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