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V AMG V Number plate for sale (soon)


MB Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2004
BMW 535d Sport, Mini Cooper Convertible
V4 MGV soon to be on retention as I've applied to have my other plate put on the car. Pics show what a little creative spacing can do :rolleyes:

Offers around £500
From the rear :D
Bo***cks :mad:
Would have had that, but can't put it on my car as it's on an S plate.
What a bummer :mad:
Personally, I don't like these plates where you have to illegally space numbers & letters and morph numbers into letters to spell words or initials. But each to their own I suppose. :crazy: But I 've heard the police are really going to clamp down on these, :eek: and they would have to be removed every time you MOT'd your car and would necessitate two sets of plates.
although it is silver, what a beautiful C43 ... it's gleaming
pepper&boulou said:
Personally, I don't like these plates where you have to illegally space numbers & letters and morph numbers into letters to spell words or initials. But each to their own I suppose. :crazy: But I 've heard the police are really going to clamp down on these, :eek: and they would have to be removed every time you MOT'd your car and would necessitate two sets of plates.

Im not to bothered about that, what I dont like are custom fonts (like above-ish) its not to bad.

Good plate though!
Was that picture taken at Beckton's Gallion's Reach shopping centre? Sure looks like it. :-) Just up the road from my house.
scotth_uk said:
Was that picture taken at Beckton's Gallion's Reach shopping centre? Sure looks like it. :-) Just up the road from my house.
Yup, round the corner from me too!
Not at all! You're welcome.
Having a bogus "cherished" number plate has about as much class as a fake Burberry baseball cap & Argos jewelry.
It is also a screaming invitation to the police to stop you any time they fancy it.
Car's nice though.
If its done with the correct lettering, I dont think this looks Chav at all, like it.

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It won't last long if any of my colleagues see it.

And don't forget, get done twice and DVLA snatch it back.

I see these plates everywhere, some of them really quite hard to decipher. Why don't the police seem to take any interest in them?

My pet hate is people who drive around with their fog lights on when it's not foggy. I think if the rozzers stopped everyone with these plates & the idiots with fogs on then national crime stats would dive! Imagine all the other violations you'd discover!
>My pet hate is people who drive around with their fog lights on when it's not foggy.

I drive around with my parkers and fogs on at the front, but rear fog turned off. The fact that you have noticed them is the exact reason I drive with them on.

I see too many people asleep at the wheel, or talking on a phone, or wrestling with their children, or eating a sandwich, etc to take any chances. I'll do anything I can to be extra visible to the moron army of drivers that aren't paying proper attention.

(that's a dig at other motorists, not you)

My pet hate is children in the back without seatbelts on. It's just irresponsible. :-(

If you want to drive with lights on in the day that's fine & it's your choice.

If it's as safety thing & you want to be seen or noticed why not just use your headlights, Volvo like?

Fog lights dazzle & (Plod, correct me if I'm wrong) it's actually illegal to have them illuminated when conditions don't warrant their use.
can't resist

joined this forum as it is nice and friendly place. neillr , seems you have no interest in buying this plate, and noone asked your opinion. so leave the guy alone to sell it and if you are interested in what plodd or whoever else thinks of legality there is excellent function called pm.
It is a nice and friendly place league67 and that is why people on here ask for and give their opinions on things. Fall outs don't generally happen. :D

I feel the fog light issue was done to death a while back and it was obvious then that different people have different thoughts on their use but at the end of the day it is illegal to use them other than in conditions of poor visibility.

As for the plate issue, we are clamping down on them best we can and it is going to get worse, or better, depending which side you are on.
The ANPR cameras are going to get more widespread and if they can't read it that is enough to support a prosecution. I have heard some petrol stations are having a form of ANPR fitted and if that can't read your plate you don't get fuel.

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