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Vito rear lock replacement


Aug 29, 2010
SL 500 R230 Vito sport X Brabus
Hi all, I was having problems with my tail gate lock on my Vito 639. The rest of the doors work fine but the rear started playing up, obviously, I have all my tools in there so a new genuine lock was ordered from merc. to cut a long story short, I fitted the lock and it locked perfectly. The next day I went to unlock it and it made all the right sounds but wouldn’t unlock. Luckily I’d left all the panels off so easy to get to. I can only imagine that it must of been faulty from the off as the only way I could get the door open was to obliterate the lock with a crowbar. It took me around 30 minutes to get the door open so, in a way, well done Mercedes for the security but pissed off that was best part of a tone down the drain!! So what’s my question, do new locks need to be coded in star??

I guess they probably do. The system has to "see" the lock to operate it and register that it is locked.
Only an opinion, as in truth I don't know the answer,
but is there canbus to each lock?
On the electric side doors I worked out that a microswitch, or two, are the signal back to the controller. These are within the lock mechanism.

A thought is that if the adjustable 'U' bolt is holding the lock closed it may not allow release to allow to be able to open.
With the door open I use a bar (screw driver shaft 'll do) to push into the 'V' of the lock to cause the mechanism to close. The key should then deadlock it, but an extra push by the bar might be needed.
Unlock with the key, then relaese with the handle, and as the door is open, it should 'open' the mechanism.

A bit late for you though, although you might want to try it with the old lock, if that's not been beaten up.

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