Agree with other posters that your Merc brakes if working properly will NOT be an issue.
Yours are clearly NOT working properly.
You have 4 pot fixed calipers on the front and two pot fixed calipers on the rear which were upgraded from original spec of earlier coupes.
The problem that does occcur is that the rear calipers seize (from under use in light braking).
Do some spirited drivng one evening on some quiet fast bendy roads, and use your brakes hard and often.
Then go and stand near rear wheels and you will probably smell the burning pad/s which has stuck on against the disc.
Whilst the rear brakes only account for a smaller portion of the total braking effort of the car, that small portion makes the difference between good and bad braking, and as soon as you have fully effective brakes again you will be most impressed.
You can buy a repair kit from Merc with new seals etc to renew the internals OR you can buy replacement rebuilt complete calipers from Merc.
Do not go for aftermarket calipers which often have a dubious quality.
Merc will give you the full 2 years guarantee as per new parts.