I'm hoping it won't be so bad as the above.
Today I did the parking brake on the C200.
It wasn't anything like as bad as I feared.
I already knew that the cable adjuster under the back seat was working OK, as I had an unsuccessful try to adjust it once before.
This time I did the adjustment in the correct order .... Shoe position then cable adjuster.
The shoes and the drums were in good order - like new.
It's clear that whoever fitted them did not adjust the shoe position but just popped them in and put the drums on without proper adjustment.
The adjusters were not seized, and I was able to adjust the shoes to the optimum position
I dressed the inner surface of the drums with emery cloth.
There was not much of a lip.
I took up the slack with the cable adjuster.
Pedal position and brake efficiency is now good.
The only difficult bit was getting one the R/Hand disc off the hub.
I've never known one stuck so hard.
A drop of Unilease and half an hour for a cup of tea fixed that.
The car's due its MOT in a few days time.