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W202 722.6 auto box problem


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
1999 C200 elegance
Hi, I have had a problem with my auto box on my 1999 W202. (C200)The pipe corroded through from the gearbox to the inter cooler at the front of the car.
I repaired the pipe & fluid was still leaking from under the car so I replaced the pilot bush & replaced the fluid to the correct level.
The car now seems to be in limp mode, and only drives in 1 gear & reverse and when changing gear the car seems to to jolt violently. I gather that there could be an error in the ecu? Is that error code store within the transmission ecu? (Passenger side footwell) If I changed this would this clear the code, (as the repair has been done) the nearest MB dealership is over 60 miles away & I can buy a transmission ecu for around £20.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, James
You need to get the codes read firstly.
BlackC55 said:
You need to get the codes read firstly.

Thanks for the reply, my only problem is that I've been phoning around and no one locally has got the equipment to read the codes or do a reset. The nearest MB garage is over 60 miles away, I can't really drive the car there as it is & it would cost a lot to get it transported there, it's only a runaround for the Mrs so I really don't want to spend fortunes on it, I just thought I might try and change the transmission ECU and see what happened. I just need to know if the fault is recorded within the transmission ECU or the main ECU? I know changing the main ECU is a real headache as the ignition barrel etc would need changing.

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