Short of a full STAR system, iCarsoft is good value for money. Whatever you get, make sure it's specifically stated that it handles SRS/ABS/Transmission codes.
The cheap bluetooth ELM scanners are only good for reading engine/generic codes.
Thanks for the help. Typing from my phone.
Looked at v74 on ebay and found some kits for £ 80 ish with all the cables. Tho the seller says i will need a comp with rs232 port or rs232 to usb calble.
Is this what you guys use ?
Thanks for the help. Typing from my phone.
Looked at v74 on ebay and found some kits for £ 80 ish with all the cables. Tho the seller says i will need a comp with rs232 port or rs232 to usb calble.
Is this what you guys use ?