Having an issue with a c200 cdi where it brings up this code and goes into limp mode.
The description my Delphi clone gives is diesel particulate filter pressure sensor ‘A’ circuit range/performance.
Im guessing the dpf is clogged. Not sure if it has been completing regens however the car does 50mile commutes daily so theoretically it should.
I’ve read that a faulty thermostat can cause issues with regens, however temperature gauge seems normal. Anything else likely to prevent regens?
Has anyone removed the dpf on these and manually cleaned them out? I’ve done this on Peugeots in the past with good results so that could be an option.
Upon clearing the code the automatic gearbox seems to remain in limp mode until i reset the adaptives. Is this normal?
The description my Delphi clone gives is diesel particulate filter pressure sensor ‘A’ circuit range/performance.
Im guessing the dpf is clogged. Not sure if it has been completing regens however the car does 50mile commutes daily so theoretically it should.
I’ve read that a faulty thermostat can cause issues with regens, however temperature gauge seems normal. Anything else likely to prevent regens?
Has anyone removed the dpf on these and manually cleaned them out? I’ve done this on Peugeots in the past with good results so that could be an option.
Upon clearing the code the automatic gearbox seems to remain in limp mode until i reset the adaptives. Is this normal?