Yes, I changed one about 5 months ago. Very fiddly especially getting the new one in as one of the hoses has a bend, is very short and there is not a lot of room around the thermostat. I unshipped the air intake pipe assembly, splash guard for the aux belt and also some of the wiring loom brackets over the top of the engine for better access. The aux belt runs across the front of the stat so be careful not to damage it. Two plugs to disconnect, a temp sensor and a heater probe (you may not have the heater probe). 3 bolts secure the stat in place. Torque values for the new stat are engine dependent, 2148cc eng - 8Nm or 2143cc eng 10 Nm. Topped it up with 50/50 coolant water, ran the engine until the thermostat opened. Checked for leaks when hot and then the level once cooled. Took me about three hours in all, but I am sure it would be quicker if someone had some experience in the past. Good luck