Another feature of my nice E320 - W210 Variant relates to the digital clock in the instrument pod. The digital readout is 'garbled/scrambled/doesn't work'. By using the 'change the time' routine it is possible to see something happening - like the top half of a number 2 or part of another number but essentially everything is there but its er.. useless
Could anyone advise whether this means that the clock itself is u/s or from experience do you know whether it could be a loose connection.. I read somewhere on the www that there are ribbon leads behind the cluster (I am guessing these are the same sort used on a C180?) and these are prone to becoming faulty.
I am guessing I can get another clock from a scrappie or etc but don't want to waste my time if its a lost cause. Tnanks
Could anyone advise whether this means that the clock itself is u/s or from experience do you know whether it could be a loose connection.. I read somewhere on the www that there are ribbon leads behind the cluster (I am guessing these are the same sort used on a C180?) and these are prone to becoming faulty.
I am guessing I can get another clock from a scrappie or etc but don't want to waste my time if its a lost cause. Tnanks