Thanks to everyone who has offered advice regarding this car for me in the past - Sorry, but once I more I prostrate myself at your feet and beg further assistance.
1999 E240 2.4 V6. Had misfiring issues etc which turned out to be a oxygen sensor and MAF. Now I have a new fault which my (recommended lots on here) independent cannot find even with STAR diagnostics. It's an intermittent fault, and wouldn't you know, the car behaves itself just fine while I shell out for hour after of diagnostics. I dunno if they are too busy to stand over the car and recreate the fault or what, but while the price per visit is very reasonable, cumulative cost is becoming excessive.
If the temperature gauge is between 1/4 and 3/8 it doesn't start. Goes through the start cycle as normal, engine turns but it doesn't even try to fire. Car starts fine if the temp below 1/4 or above 3/8 (normal running is 1/2 way or a tiny bit above). Phoned the AA out the first time, felt real silly when he got in and started it right away, he took a while so engine was cold by then. The car drives fine if started outside this range, and there is no misfire or anything as it warms up.
I'm assuming that it's a sensor somewhere that's telling the ignition not to fire. Having just spent 500 quid sorting the misfire out, and several hundred more on diagnostics that revealed nothing, I can't afford to be keep spending. So, I thought that a cheap second hand laptop, with diagnostics of some description, keep it in the car, and read what codes i can next time it refuses to start. Can anyone recommend one from the bewildering array offered on eBay and elsewhere - I can't afford a STAR set of my own, but something like CarSoft seems to fit the bill here but I am not sure what I need regarding OBDII or CAN capabilities on the code reader
Any and all advice, except my mate's "apply a box of Swan Vesta's and wait twenty minutes before phoning the fire brigade", would be most welcomed.
1999 E240 2.4 V6. Had misfiring issues etc which turned out to be a oxygen sensor and MAF. Now I have a new fault which my (recommended lots on here) independent cannot find even with STAR diagnostics. It's an intermittent fault, and wouldn't you know, the car behaves itself just fine while I shell out for hour after of diagnostics. I dunno if they are too busy to stand over the car and recreate the fault or what, but while the price per visit is very reasonable, cumulative cost is becoming excessive.
If the temperature gauge is between 1/4 and 3/8 it doesn't start. Goes through the start cycle as normal, engine turns but it doesn't even try to fire. Car starts fine if the temp below 1/4 or above 3/8 (normal running is 1/2 way or a tiny bit above). Phoned the AA out the first time, felt real silly when he got in and started it right away, he took a while so engine was cold by then. The car drives fine if started outside this range, and there is no misfire or anything as it warms up.
I'm assuming that it's a sensor somewhere that's telling the ignition not to fire. Having just spent 500 quid sorting the misfire out, and several hundred more on diagnostics that revealed nothing, I can't afford to be keep spending. So, I thought that a cheap second hand laptop, with diagnostics of some description, keep it in the car, and read what codes i can next time it refuses to start. Can anyone recommend one from the bewildering array offered on eBay and elsewhere - I can't afford a STAR set of my own, but something like CarSoft seems to fit the bill here but I am not sure what I need regarding OBDII or CAN capabilities on the code reader
Any and all advice, except my mate's "apply a box of Swan Vesta's and wait twenty minutes before phoning the fire brigade", would be most welcomed.