E280 viewing report
Well I went to see the car today (actually now yesterday!).
Good points.
1)Good history - regular servicing by MB dealer confirmed by phone call to MB garage.
2)Also confirmed this by detailed conversation by last (proper) owner before the garage got it.
3)7 seat option fitted, but cushions missing. Previous owner ruined them by spilling something, so he threw them away.
4) Price. Got it down to £3250.
5) 6 months warranty.
6) Will be MOTed before sale.
Bad points
1) Rusty front wheel arch - but this will be sorted presale
2) slight oil leak from under the engine cover at the front of both banks. Think it likely to be rocker cover gasket. Think it was too high up to be head gaskets.
Where else under the engine cover could oil be coming from? This will be sorted presale.
3)Another minor fluid leak. Not sure what it was (seemed oily - PS fluid?)or where it was coming from. The dampness was only visible on the underneath of the cover under the engine, kind of underneath the crank shaft pulley. But it was dry everywhere inside the engine bay in this region. This needs closer inspection, but will be sorted presale.
Any ideas?
4)Grubby boot, but nothing a good presale valet won't deal with.
5) Confused about the blower in the car. During the test run I tried the blower in the car. It seemed to work fine, but it cut out from time to time. Seller told me it was automatic and this is normal.
Is this true? The car doesn't have digital climate control, just the regular AC system.
On balance I felt it was worth the money and as long as the identified problems are solved, I expect to get the car by the end of next week.