Hi there new member but long time lurker. Decided to finally sign up as have recently bought a new to me W211 E63 although not new to the marque as also have a R230 SL350.
I just thought I’d post to give my general impressions of having the car now for a little over a week. The first thing I can say is wow what a car and what an engine. The description of it basically being a thug in a business suit is not far off the mark. I’ve had quick cars in the past (cira 300bhp) but this is in a whole different league performance wise. The acceleration in the first 3 gears belies belief being a 4 door saloon and if I’m honest is slightly intimidating. If the roads not dry i would not want to use anything more than 1/3 to 1/2 throttle. And speaking of the throttle the movements needed to drive the car are tiny. Almost treating it like an egg being underneath the accelerator would be a fair analogy.
The gearbox while completely satisfactorily is probably the weakest link compared to more modern ones. Although if you realise this limitation and anticipate the gear required slightly earlier than you otherwise would it is totally fine. The only other gotcha is to remember what mode you are in as there is no kick down in manual if you forgot to change down to overtake. I only discovered yesterday as well the onboard tv works as i thought due to the age of the car and the digital switchover it might be obsolete so that was a nice surprise.
I completely love the car and the engine which dominates the entire driving experience. It is my first v8 and now after having one i can’t see me parting with it. I honestly think that everyone needs to experience one at some point in their life and is certainly a bucket list item for me.
I have no plans to modify it as I think it’s bonkers enough and just to enjoy it.
Anyway i look forward to reading other peoples experiences with there’s as well as R230 SL.
Many thanks
I just thought I’d post to give my general impressions of having the car now for a little over a week. The first thing I can say is wow what a car and what an engine. The description of it basically being a thug in a business suit is not far off the mark. I’ve had quick cars in the past (cira 300bhp) but this is in a whole different league performance wise. The acceleration in the first 3 gears belies belief being a 4 door saloon and if I’m honest is slightly intimidating. If the roads not dry i would not want to use anything more than 1/3 to 1/2 throttle. And speaking of the throttle the movements needed to drive the car are tiny. Almost treating it like an egg being underneath the accelerator would be a fair analogy.
The gearbox while completely satisfactorily is probably the weakest link compared to more modern ones. Although if you realise this limitation and anticipate the gear required slightly earlier than you otherwise would it is totally fine. The only other gotcha is to remember what mode you are in as there is no kick down in manual if you forgot to change down to overtake. I only discovered yesterday as well the onboard tv works as i thought due to the age of the car and the digital switchover it might be obsolete so that was a nice surprise.
I completely love the car and the engine which dominates the entire driving experience. It is my first v8 and now after having one i can’t see me parting with it. I honestly think that everyone needs to experience one at some point in their life and is certainly a bucket list item for me.
I have no plans to modify it as I think it’s bonkers enough and just to enjoy it.
Anyway i look forward to reading other peoples experiences with there’s as well as R230 SL.
Many thanks