Moved over from the old style vito, was insulated for camping and in the winter it heats up fast.
The new van has metal clips to hold the grab handles, old one was user friendly as the grab handles in the roof lining screwed in. Problem is getting out the clips as they are almost ruined removing the grab handles.
MB say they are not a spare as the clip is shaded on the printout and, part of the grab handle now
An expensive way to insulate roof lining as you need 4 new grab handles.
The new van has metal clips to hold the grab handles, old one was user friendly as the grab handles in the roof lining screwed in. Problem is getting out the clips as they are almost ruined removing the grab handles.
MB say they are not a spare as the clip is shaded on the printout and, part of the grab handle now
An expensive way to insulate roof lining as you need 4 new grab handles.