It the title says, I would like to convert my W639 from utilitary to person vehicle... not to add more seats (I have two front and three seats bench on middle), but rather to cover with plastic panels the rear side, cut the body and add the two lateral windows (preferably non electric). Then, replace the bench on the rear side and leaving space between front seats and bench.
Can anyone advice where I can find that rear pannels, even aftermarket. I believe the new OEM are very expensive and second hand is almost impossible to find as people seems to "hunt" them and I never get to find available, alwais bringing the answer that the rear panels where sold first.
PS. My Vito is middle (long) model, fully covered on front and middle... just the rear panels, rear windows colum covers and preferably non electric windows is what I need.
Can anyone advice where I can find that rear pannels, even aftermarket. I believe the new OEM are very expensive and second hand is almost impossible to find as people seems to "hunt" them and I never get to find available, alwais bringing the answer that the rear panels where sold first.
PS. My Vito is middle (long) model, fully covered on front and middle... just the rear panels, rear windows colum covers and preferably non electric windows is what I need.