The market is highly segmented and this is one specialist segment but I see some Esther Rantzen type thinking here. Innocent seller with valuable car gets offered ridiculous amount. Boring. On the other hand they have to do no work, do not have to wait for weeks and weeks to sell it and they get their money straight away.
A car has several valuations simultaneously.
Zero if no one has made an offer.
Maybe 200 as scrap metal
Maybe 1000 if you want immediate payment, today and no hassle
3000 if you are trading it for a Mercedes and they are not interested in your old car
5000 against an Opel
6500 if a Dealer is selling it.
I see cars, nice cars, put up on the board at work at crazy high prices and they are still holding on to them months later. Even when you cut the price in thise circumstances you cannot always sell as you have partially destroyed buyer perceptions.
So for them I guess We Buy Anything is not a bad choice if they really want to get rid of it.