I've seen a couple of threads talking about using super vs. plain unleaded, but apart from the odd "me too" from a C32 owner, no definitive comment on whether it makes much difference.
Is the ECU tuned for super or plain? Does it auto-sense? Does it a) feel better or b) get better economy from either one?
I had an Accord Type R once with an adjusting ECU, but it pinked like hell on plain and lost punch in the VTECH zone ... which really sucked driving around Ireland since super is almost impossible to find there now! ST220 doesn't seem to care a damn what's in it so I feed it plain.
Is the ECU tuned for super or plain? Does it auto-sense? Does it a) feel better or b) get better economy from either one?
I had an Accord Type R once with an adjusting ECU, but it pinked like hell on plain and lost punch in the VTECH zone ... which really sucked driving around Ireland since super is almost impossible to find there now! ST220 doesn't seem to care a damn what's in it so I feed it plain.