MB Enthusiast
Interesting recent decision by the Ombudsman relating to household insurance. Elderly policyholder was paying £1800 per year for buildings and contents insurance and had been with Zurich for 10 years. Relative proved that identical cover was available for less than 10% of this premium and had been for years. Zurich's defence was that the house was in a high subsidence risk area, but relative proved that this was not the case. Complaint went to the Ombudsman and whilst the case took a couple of years to resolve, Zurich lost. Policyholder was expecting a refund of £10k but Zurich repaid £16k apparently. There may have been very particular circumstances but still....
Makes you wonder whether this will open the floodgates for similar claims. You can hear the TV adverts already - "Overcharged on your insurance premiums? Contact (insert name of chaser) and get what you are entitled to" The new PPI?
Makes you wonder whether this will open the floodgates for similar claims. You can hear the TV adverts already - "Overcharged on your insurance premiums? Contact (insert name of chaser) and get what you are entitled to" The new PPI?