MBC230K and MBE300D will be put up for sale at some point. MBC200SE is not a valid number unfortunately. I had grown very attached to both these plates but of the two, MBE 300D (MBE 3000) is probably more marketable. Someone tried to buy it from me in a traffic jam on Southwark Bridge once.
Thanks, I kind of reached the same conclusion myself and just wanted some confirmation. It is vaguely possible there may be an old style dumb battery charger at my Mum's house and I will give this a go first. Its kind of like a one off problem and long life of battery is not a concern as the...
Yes but its only to get the car started and onto a trailer to the big scrapyard in the sky. So it only needs to start the engine. If all else fails, reconnect the battery (goes in the w202 boot) and wire across from the s205 good battery.
My car battery is deeply discharged and I need to convince my RING RSC808 smart charger to do the job because the battery cannot convince the charger to start charging at 0.0 volts. The dead battery is out of the car as there is nowhere to charge from in the underground car park. I am thinking I...
update: parts ordered from Germany 04/01 arriving 19/01 so we shall see what happens by the end of the month. Delays for xmas and MB stock replenishment.
My independent placed an order for parts on 04/01/24 which had to come Germany - estimated delivery 19/01/24 . I was told something to do with factory shutdown over Xmas.
The s205 centre console switches are exactly the same all in a line. Its impossible to select them without looking at them or memorising them. The old w202 and s124 switch layouts were more intuitive. I could deal with these by touch alone.
I'm struggling to understand your explanation. I have always detached the rear load roller cover from the slots on with side so it retracts into its drum. I then folded both rear seat backs forwards before attempting to remove the load cover. The driver's side has the post thingie and the...
The thermostat is beneath a load of stuff in the engine (I was told) The labour element was huge considering the thermostat costs less than £200 and the diagnostic was £220 as well. Fear not, the car is now in the hands of my regular independent garage in East Sussex. The car was moved...
It seems to be somewhat more than just a thermostat and more of crank case breather tube, loom, oil and ECU. I was asked to pay for the diagnosis, and the car will be put back together (their cost) and trailered to my regular independent Mercedes garage in East Sussex. They can be relied on to...
It gets better. The SMS link they sent me now no longer works and its 404 page not found. They only sent the last sms at 12.18 and at 14.23 its 404! No-one has phoned me back in spite of my calls to them. They called 0953 which I missed (no message left) , I called 11.50, 11.53, and 12.08 .
This is what automation has done for us. The car is in the Mercedes dealership at Stratford, London. At half past nine the car sent me an automated email saying that my coolant was too low (it's thermostat is being changed and the coolant needs to come out for that!) and I must make a workshop...