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Recent content by Indyz12

  1. Indyz12

    SL55 R230 P30

    I know this post is old, but no one has replied and I like bringing closure to issues that might plague others. Replacing the accumulators will improve your harsh / solid dampers. This is essentially the same as on the older self leveling systems, but mounted remotely. There's 3 accumulators in...
  2. Indyz12

    West Midlands Restoration and maintenance

    I'll get in touch with admin, I was unsure!
  3. Indyz12

    West Midlands Restoration and maintenance

    Hi guys. I've been a member on her for years but forgot about the forums since i went into the business full time, about 6 years ago. Anyway, I'm here to introduce my business and services back to the community. My name is Indi, and I'm based in Wolverhampton. I've been restoring and providing...
  4. Indyz12

    Beat Mercedes Specialist?

    im curious as to which engine you want building?
  5. Indyz12

    R 129 300-24 won't run.

    i would want to pull the dizzy cap and inspect the rotor and each point for burn marks and condensation.
  6. Indyz12

    W210 E300TD still difficult start - what next?

    like this PeachPartsWiki: Broken Glow Plug Removal
  7. Indyz12

    Low speed noise from back of the car

    the type of noise will gove a better idea of what you are dealing with. If its a low groaning noise its diff or tyre related. If its a squeel type noise and gets loud at a certain low speed and seems to get drowned out when you accellerate, check the propshaft bearing by removing the exhaust and...
  8. Indyz12

    W210 E300TD still difficult start - what next?

    Nice to see its sorted! I knew it was the glow plugs as i have the same symptoms - hard to start, when it starts it sounds like its nailing an injector and throws out blue smoke for about 30 seconds whilst misfiring then settles down as the temperature climbs. Good job on getting them out! Now...
  9. Indyz12

    Shake Shake on startup W124 230E

    have you checked the OVP fuses? Im asuming you have the 2 fuse version as i did on my 230E. Behind the batter there is a cover, remove it. Then you will see a black cover over a relay - remove the cover to reveal your ovp and fuses. he fuses are fine - try running your car whilst having the cold...
  10. Indyz12

    Engine cutting off at operating temperature?

    dizzy and rotors. does it splutter when coming near idle? and cuts out if you try to accellerate. Smell of petrol? Thats if you have a dizzy version M119 - otherwise check the coils.
  11. Indyz12

    W124 with m104, no power at all adove 6k

    take the cover off behind the battery where the OVP and ecu are located. You might find your EZL switch there.
  12. Indyz12

    W124 'black plastic' bumper strips.

    its easy, only a few bolts accesible from the inside of the boot after removing the covers.
  13. Indyz12

    W210 E300TD still difficult start - what next?

    Glow plugs...... Sorry buddy, you have a glowplug problem. Hard starting, lumpy idle when cold is a sign of glow plug problems. 1. Diagnose if you have a wiring problem (check resistance between plug end and connector at glowplug relay) 2. Check if a glowplug is not opperational (Check...
  14. Indyz12

    124c 300ce Rear headrests??

    The air lines are different to the central locking. The air line you need to check runs under the carpet and under the rear seats. Pull the seat off, and check the vacuum switch. Most likely the air is leaking there or at the base of the headrests. Good luck!
  15. Indyz12


    MOT Testing Quiz - Qn 6 New MOT test changes for cars in the UK. I think you will find i am right.
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