The guys have put as side some spaces for anyone interested in going to this :thumb:
Adrian Flux has teamed up with some local car clubs and our friends at the Adrian Flux Arena (Norfolk Arena) to bring you an evening of automotive fun.
This is our first time hosting such an event, being a specialist and modified...
Someone I know has 4 standard TRAX tickets - general parking (i.e not in the MB Club area).
£40 for the four - they were an internet purchase - he says they have to remain as a group of four :dk:.
Please pm me if you're interested.
Last minute it seems TRAX have changed their date from September to July!
Positives are that there is more chance of sun!
Negatives are that this well may clash with peoples summer holidays! Even im not sure 100% if I can make it!
Lets start a list and we can take it from there!
As the weather has been lovely I've been polishing my 190 2.5 16 to death - anyone fancy a general meet while this weather continues but with an older vibe (cars not people, not that I'm ageist or anything).
Looks like this might be a good day out American / Custom Cars open to the public on Sunday 19th August 2012
Victory Wheelers 35th South Coast Internationals
17-20 August 2012
Pylewell Park, Lymington, Hampshire
South Coast Internationals
I just thought I'd give this a mention, seeing as there are seemingly one or two Retro-Rides members on here besides myself.
2012 will mark the fifth anniversary of 'The Gathering', which moved to its' new home at the glorious, history-steeped Prescott Hillclimb venue last year after...
In conversation with a work colleague today, he mentioned that the Selkirk vintage rally takes place this week-end. I haven't previously attended myself so can't comment from first hand experience, but I understand it is an interesting event.
Selkirk Rally
So, if anyone is out and about in...
Essex gtg confirmed for the 19th july at runwell sports and socal club
Meet from 12midday onwards
Drinks are as cheap as £2 a pint and food is also avalable.
Its 5mins from the A130
10mins from the A127
and A12
and about 20mins from M25.
Clubs attending...
Right Girls and boys!
We seem to have loads of members from Yorkshire these days!
Areas such as Shefield, Doncaster, Rotherham, Bradford, Leeds, and Pammy oop North!
I was thinking that we should maybe have a monthly Yorkshire GTG.
If not Monthly then maybe 3 or 4 times a year?
Hi All
Hope its ok to post this here.
I'm trying to organise a meet at Mercedes-Benz World Brooklands on August 19th.
This is open to all MB owners and I have posted in several MB forums.
To make life easier Im administrating the organisation in a thread over at see the link...
2 x General admission tickets for Robbie Williams at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes.
These are surplus as I've ended up with too many somehow!
Will need to be collected from Ashford in Kent - offers by PM please.
If anyone is interested and up for it a mini GTG on Sunday around Maidstone area all welcome. Reply if your interested and where. Dave E has suggested A249 Little Chef or if anyone has any other suggestions?:bannana: