Hey guys, I started my c230k this morning and the rpms shot up to 2200 for about 1 second, and then back to 1200 to warm up and the back to normal idle. Initial start up was louder than usual but there was no shaking, idle hunting or misfire.
It wasn't even that cold, only 15 degrees...
Can anyone shed some light on what could be the probable cause of what seems to be injector rattle / chatter at 2200 rpm and above, below this the engine sounds completely normal. The rattle remains right through the rev range although at anything above 3500 rpm it becomes difficult to pick out...
Hi All, new here, hoping someone can help
when I put my petrol E200 (2000) auto under slight load it develops a noise just over 2000 rpm which goes away above about 2300 or so.
It does it in every gear, and at any temperature
Doesn't seem to affect the performance or gear change.