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  1. H

    revs blip when cruising

    hi everyone im new to forum does anyone know why my merc blips revs while cruising he's perfect at idle thanks henry71
  2. ROLANDRAE1972

    Small Blip On Idle

    Hi There C220 Diesel 03 Model Looked After Vey Well.this Is My Second Winter In The Car And Have Noticed When Itsvery Cold There Is A Slight Guddah Or Blip When Idleing Even When Engine Warm,any Ideas, Thanks Roland.
  3. C220

    Strange blip

    Over the last few weeks I've noticed a strange kind of blip when cruising on the motorway, for a split second the revs drop maybe a 100 rpm and then it picks up straight away. It all happens so fast the first few times I wondered if it was me as it seemed to happen when I was feathering the...
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