Hi There.
Thanks for all the help you've given me over the past few days. Filters are all changed and the car is still coughing.
Does anyone have any more suggestions for me?
Above 60mph the car coughs and stutters and has a significant loss of power. Possibly due to a couple...
Recently I don't use my 300e that much, and I've noticed that If I haven't run her for 3-4 days then when I do after about 5 Min's when I try to pull away or in slow moving traffic the engine really splutters like mad and often stall's while doing this under either light or hard acceleration...
Especially when idle or in slow traffic, the engine in our 2000/w e320cdi sometimes seems to "jump". What I mean by this is it is purring along steadily as usual, then suddenly it will lose the rhythm and the engine seems to physically shake left and right. It's almost as if it is coughing...