Anyone know of any rubber mats for my 2016 B200D auto that include a bit that covers the carpeted driver's left footrest? Many of the stock pics of mats show a small extension for the footrest, but it seems that the MB official mats don't have one. So far I haven't found any aftermarket ones...
I've just bought some Chrome Pedals from the forum (cheers Alps for the fast shipping)
Has anyone got the part number for the chrome footrest plate as seen below;
Hi There,
Looking to replace my cracked driver's footrest/ dead pedal on my RHD W123 300D and the front door holders on my LHD W115 240D. Pictures attached for your convenience.
Any leads or advice on these parts is also more than welcome!
I have just bought a new set of metal sport pedal covers from Mercedes and I am now looking for the matching footrest pedal.
Further searching has showed that the footrest is attached to the driver's side carpet and cannot be separated. I have looked into buying a used footrest from a 08...
Hello all, I've got a 560 SEL that needs some TLC. Rather bizarrely the driver's footrest has been taken out by a previous owner but I did find it in the boot along with 3 screws and a metal ring. Thing is I can't work out how it fits in down there for love or money. I thought it would be easy...
Have any other 212 owners noticed the drivers footrest getting a bit worn?
It does seem cheap that they didn't put a pedal on it to save the carpet. I have only done 5k miles and the carpet is looking almost thread-bare where my foot sits. Hate to think what it will look like after another...