• The Forums are now open to new registrations, adverts are also being de-tuned.


  1. Mozzer

    Tried the MBOA forum, lets see if I get any luck here...

    <<Snip>> Just recently bought a manual 230 SLK Komp, like the car, but I was wondering if any of you guys have modified yours and if so what can you do to them ? I know the immediate answer is buy an AMG but they're too rich for my blood, I would just like slightly less refinement, a bit...
  2. D

    Anyone checked out the MBOA site recently ?

    Seems the MBOA boys have adopted a new look. http://forums.mercedesclub.org.uk/ Looks strange and lacks any form of Mercedes logo etc.
  3. F


    Erm , on looking back at the mboa forum , i noticed there was a new admin . Ian . I also noticed that evernone with the www.mbclub.co.uk address in their signature has had it butchered out . I refered back to the T&amp;C of the board and have noticed it says nothing about not being able to put...
  4. Maff

    Anyone have a copy of the MBOA GTG feature?

    That they would be willing to scan and e-mail to me or post here? I'm interested to see exactly what photo's and words they used to describe our event in their magazine! Many Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.  <img src="http://www.mbclub.co.uk/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif"...
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