1998 202 diesel 2.5 Ive had to bypass my fuel preheater as it was drawing air (not from the unions) can someone tell me whether this unit is serviceable or a sealed unit thanks
I have a Vito 110cdi (2001) which has been a great van apart from rust!
The van is fitted with a pre heater which I think burns diesel which heats up the engine when really cold. It has stopped working and now the engine will only get to about 60 deg unless on the motorway and takes an age to...
I know the 203 comes with a "kettle element" type coolant heater that helps warm the coolant once the engine has started (as long as there is an excess of power coming from the alternator) but is there a way one could power this heater via a mains supply to provide some form of pre-heat?
Having had my first Merc. now for about 3 weeks now, I must say I'm very pleased so far.
I'll be even chufffter when I start running on waste cooking oil :rock:
What I have noticed recently on the chilly mornings is the cabin pre-heater, very good.
In about 1 min theres tepid air coming...