Greetings, citizens.
Looking at the assyst on my 2006 SLK55, it's saying that it will need a "E" service in 3000 odd miles. Now, given that the last service was a "B" and ended up rushing me ~£800 this sounds somewhat alarming. Does anyone know what constitutes an "E" service - is it going to...
Quick quizz
Are all late 2006 cars onwards on an annual service schedules? When exactly did MB introduce that policy into being? I know why It's just when. :)
I did try searching I promise, but looking for some info on servicing schedules..
Are all recent (90s onwards) Mercs on a variable schedule controlled by the car's computer or is it usually x'000 miles / x years etc?
and.. anyone know more specifically what the schedules are for a W210 E55...
I have a 1999 E300 TD Elegance - I am about to get my car serviced by the local garage, which is a small one man business who is not an MB specialist. Does anybody know where I can get a schedule of work that should be carried out for a A type service? My last service was a B type service and...