Hi guys,
I saw the recent posts about some members wanting remaps so got in touch with AMD Essex.
They said that they would be able to offer a group buy at 20% off their list prices. This will include a remap and a go on their rolling road.
Standard prices are in the region of
Having initially expressed an interest an AA Technik remap back in April, I visited the AA Technik unit at Slough to have my 2006 C220 CDI remapped.
With the car in the workshop, I headed for the local pub for a pint (of coke).
Upon my return, the car had been modified with an extra 30bhp...
We were in Germany last week and visited the Sinsheim Auto & Technik museum:
Auto und Technik MUSEUM SINSHEIM - Automobile and technical MUSEUM SINSHEIM
Here are some snaps I took, these are all cars ... mostly M-B.
Got some of the planes too, which I will post in Off Topic tomorrow...