would be grateful for any suggestions/ideas/places to stay and see in the general area - will be travelling with a wheel chair bound companion and I don't have big muscles! Thanks
Our local shopping centre must be run by a petrolhead because we have a great Festival of Transport once a year. It runs over this weekend and particularly tommorrow when loads of owners bring their cars along.
The main display this year is Bond cars. A few phone snaps taken when the centre...
Hi all, just bought my wife a 2006 W169 A170 Avantgarde SE. The car drives well but has a couple of issues which I'll post elsewhere. My own car is a Volvo and I'm an active member of various Volvo forums but I know nothing about Mercs but I promise to use the search function before posting...
Just in case anyone is interested, in the Thames Valley region you will currently be offered a Speed Awareness course as an alternative to a fixed penalty for being caught at the following speeds:
30 limit: from 35 to 39 mph
40 limit: from 46 to 50 mph
50 limit: from 57 to 61 mph
60 limit...