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2020 E63S: Long shot ... plastic'y knocking around steering wheel but goes away when pushed.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2020
This is a long shot as I really need to record that (no point in even trying to ask Mercedes about it at this stage) but anyone heard a plastic knocking coming from the steering wheel ? I cannot even figure it out whether it is coming from the column or the wheel itself or even the dash behind it. It only shows up when driving obviously so trying to lean forward whilst driving is asking for a disaster and my passenger would have to get extremely close too.

Anyway - here the odd thing ... it mainly only happens on one particular road in my area - basically when the road condition causes a very particular bumpy ride. Almost like it gets to a certain vibration frequency when it starts. Eventually it stops and never hear from it again until eventually it starts for a few minutes before disappearing again.

What I do wonder is if there is a connector somewhere that knocks against the insides of the steering wheel, column or dashboard that eventually wedges itself back into place.

Anyone had that before ? I know, I am asking 'how long is a string here' ... but thought I ask anyway.

Also, anyone had luck before supplying a video to the garage as proof that there is something, even if they say 'nope' ? Just wondering if there is even a point to record something every time I drive that road (pretty much most school runs) ...

Oh and it goes away if you keep pushing the wheel against the 12 o' clock marker :-/
I had something very in a brand new Audi A5 I owned a few years ago. I had a noise in the passenger door which would only start on or around 60mph and get worse (and louder), sounded like plastic hitting metal. Couldn't recreate it when stationary so booked it back to the supplying dealer, to their credit they kept the car for 3 full days (gave me a nice A6 courtesy car in the meantime) and found and fixed the problem.

Issue turned out to be a bundle of cables in the door cavity that hadn't been properly secured at the factory. The point of me posting this is, if yours a MY2020, it still under warranty so get MB to look at it - its a fault and they need to sort it.
Agree. Booked in for service in January so will have them look at it then. Still trying to record.

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