I hope someone can give me a heads-up please? I'm unsure if this is normal but it seems to be terribly loud these days. When you turn the key in the ignition to ON (but have not yet started the engine) she makes a very loud prolonged GROANING noise. It used to be mild but is now extremely loud (like a teen groaning not wanting to get outta bed). Took her in to see new mechanic recently as she started to also sound like a Ferrari when depressing the accelerator (that slight whine). The mechanic did have a good look and took some things off etc but said he'd need to hoist her up and take a closer look, which will be next week. Prior to this I rang the former mechanic/Service Dept at Mercedes who advised it could be the Power Steering Pump, the Serpentine belt, tensioner, bearings, idlers, AC compressor, Alt, or the pulleys etc etc etc. This new mechanic is a Euro specialist (very hard to find up here in the Blue Mountains) albeit an AUDI nut, but has been highly recommended by both Merc and Audi owners up here. Is this groaning the Power Steering too? It started not long after the last Service (10 months ago) and has gotten louder over that period. I just worry when they see lady is all. Oh she is a 2005 E240 in pristine condition and 119,000 kms. Thank you very kindly in advance.
I hope someone can give me a heads-up please? I'm unsure if this is normal but it seems to be terribly loud these days. When you turn the key in the ignition to ON (but have not yet started the engine) she makes a very loud prolonged GROANING noise. It used to be mild but is now extremely loud (like a teen groaning not wanting to get outta bed). Took her in to see new mechanic recently as she started to also sound like a Ferrari when depressing the accelerator (that slight whine). The mechanic did have a good look and took some things off etc but said he'd need to hoist her up and take a closer look, which will be next week. Prior to this I rang the former mechanic/Service Dept at Mercedes who advised it could be the Power Steering Pump, the Serpentine belt, tensioner, bearings, idlers, AC compressor, Alt, or the pulleys etc etc etc. This new mechanic is a Euro specialist (very hard to find up here in the Blue Mountains) albeit an AUDI nut, but has been highly recommended by both Merc and Audi owners up here. Is this groaning the Power Steering too? It started not long after the last Service (10 months ago) and has gotten louder over that period. I just worry when they see lady is all. Oh she is a 2005 E240 in pristine condition and 119,000 kms. Thank you very kindly in advance.